Friday, September 13, 2013



The word time means to me quality of life. We live in a fast paced world and never relax until suddenly we get a disease. We go to the doctor and he prescribes us a quick fix drug. The drug may be the band aid , but might not fix the problem this being similar to cancer. The individual is given the notice and the first thing the doctor recommends is surgery, chemo or radiation. These procedures are not solving the issue, its plainly covering up the problem. From the beginning we need to uncover the issues. Are you living in a good environment? Do you eat the healthier foods, such as organic and not GMO’s. Do you try to stay away from chemicals? Do you meditate and eliminate stress? Do you exercise and maintain a level of fitness? Do you know your family history (DNA)?

Once you figure how to change and live a healthy lifestyle the answer to these questions will provide the quality of life. This wise man taught me knowledge. He told me that cancer is complex, its not merely something that can be fixed. The individual person needs to find out the cause.

I am blessed to not only receive functional medicine, but to be given this knowledge of lifestyle to live a quality of life in Mexico. Living a stress free life, exercising, meditating, eating organic foods, staying away from chemicals, will help to change my DNA. Its been a challenge using these tools to manage the cancer , but a successful one. I am able to breath the air and start an organic garden and live in an environment to give me time while fixing the problem. Thanks to the wise man Dr Perez.

Thursday, September 12, 2013



by Steven Ransom
Women who are con­cerned about breast
can­cer need facts, not myths, to make their
own deci­sions.” — Irwin D Bross

A report from the Amer­i­can Col­lege of Pre­ven­ta­tive Med­i­cine esti­mates that 185,000 women a year are diag­nosed with breast can­cer in the United States.1And the Royal Mars­den Hos­pi­tal 2002 web­page on breast can­cer reported that 28,000 women in the UK are diag­nosed with this dis­ease annually.

Before look­ing at the prac­tice of mam­mog­ra­phy in more detail, let’s look at the prac­tice of qual­i­fy­ing those sta­tis­tics pre­sented to us. There are more than enough doubts sur­round­ing con­ven­tional can­cer prac­tice and espe­cially diag­no­sis for us to pause a while and exam­ine this area more carefully.
While it may be cor­rect that 185,000 women in the United States and 28,000 women per annum in the UK are diag­nosed as hav­ing breast can­cer, how many of those breast can­cer diag­noses are cor­rect? And how dan­ger­ous is breast can­cer any­way? Before com­ing to any pre­ma­ture con­clu­sions as to the irresponsible-sounding nature of such a ques­tion, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion on breast can­cer is pre­sented for the reader.

In a paper enti­tled “Dan­gers and Unre­li­a­bil­ity of Mam­mog­ra­phy; Breast Exam­i­na­tion is a Safe, Effec­tive and Prac­ti­cal Alternative”,the authors state that the wide­spread and vir­tu­ally unchal­lenged accep­tance of screen­ing has resulted in a dra­matic increase in the diag­no­sis of duc­tal carcinoma-in-situ (DCIS), a pre-invasive can­cer, with a cur­rent, esti­mated inci­dence of about 40,000 US cit­i­zens annu­ally. DCIS is gen­er­ally treated by lumpec­tomy plus radi­a­tion or even mas­tec­tomy and chemother­apy. How­ever, some 80 per­cent of all DCIS can­cers never become inva­sive, even if left untreated.2

A report in the Jour­nal of the National Can­cer Insti­tute, enti­tled “Over-diagnosis:an under-recognised cause of con­fu­sion and harm in can­cer screen­ing”, stated that mam­mog­ra­phy can detect can­cers that often don’t progress.3

Sunday, September 8, 2013

3-Ingredient DIY Homemade Natural Makeup Remover
Clean face
If you wear makeup everyday, then it pays to know what goes into makeup remover. Store-bought versions are full of alcohol and a host of ingredients you can barely pronounce. As if the wear and tear of a long day with layers of makeup weighing your face down weren't enough, why not treat your skin to a natural, soothing, and gentle removal alternative? This DIY homemade natural makeup remover recipe uses only three ingredients, which combine to form an effective, aromatic, and soft finish. Enjoy!
The ingredients are easy to find and take only a few minutes to mix together before use:
1. Witch Hazel: an astringent derived from the witch hazel shrub's bark. It was used by widely by American Indians. It contains active constituents that give it powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobrial, and antioxidant properties. It can help heal acne and other skin disorders.
2. Cold-Pressed Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: a lipid that holds some beneficial moisturizing and protective properties. In its raw, unprocessed state, olive oil carries the most of its inherent healthy fats and other nutrients, so opt for the highest quality you can find.
3. Vitamin E: an effective antioxidant that boosts your skin's health and overall complexion. It protects the skin from adverse oxidative stress, including aging.
Natural Make-up Remover
Makes enough to last about 2 weeks
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 4 capsules vitamin E
In a mason jar, mix the olive oil with the witch hazel. Whisk to combine. Poke the vitamin E capsules with a pin and drain out the liquid into the olive oil-witch hazel mixture. Whisk again. Set aside for use in your toiletry cabines. Shake before use.

7 Foods You Never Knew Contained Gluten

7 Foods You Never Knew Contained Gluten
September 2, 2013
Sarah Klein
If you have celiac disease - or another condition that requires avoiding gluten - you probably got the basics down pretty quickly. It's a no-brainer that things like breads, cakes and beer need to be gluten-free to be on your menu.
But gluten can be found in a number of less obvious foods -- things like pickles, candy and even meat. What's more, not all of them are food. Certain vitamins, supplements and even medications may contain gluten, so make sure all of your doctors, not just your gastroenterologist, are in the loop.
Watch out for some unexpected gluten culprits in the grocery store, then let us know where else you'd never think to look for it in the comments below.
Soy Sauce
You might think the condiment is just made from soybeans, but many soy sauces have wheat in the mix. Today, a number of brands offer gluten-free varieties, so make sure to check before you buy.
Certain pickles are off limits. Depending on the pickling process, malt vinegar may be inside that jar, and malt vinegar in turn is made from barley. Other brands may use corn-based vinegar for a gluten-free crunch.
Hot Dogs
Of course you know to skip the bun, but the meat itself? Sometimes, depending on the brand. Certain hot dogs - and sausages - may contain wheat gluten, so be sure to read the labels.
The chewy candy often lists wheat flour as one of the first few ingredients, although a number of brands now have a gluten-free option.
Veggie Burgers
Some veggie burgers -- even some homemade patties -- contain wheat gluten, like hot dogs. Other faux meat products rely on gluten as well, since it can give a meaty texture to these veggie replacements.
Salad Dressing
Your dressing of choice probably contains some kind of thickening agent, a number of which contain gluten. Look out for "modified food starch," since its name doesn't make its wheat derivation obvious.
Flavored Potato Chips
Your basic chips (hopefully!) have a pretty simple ingredients list, but certain kinds can get their taste from processed flavorings that contain wheat, barley or rye.

Friday, September 6, 2013

15 Must-Know Facts About Iodine

5th September 2013
By Dr. Edward F. Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
It is not an understatement to say our existence, and the quality of our lives, depends on having adequate iodine levels. In spite of this, mainstream medicine generally ignores the importance of this element. The following fifteen facts will reveal not only how important iodine is, but how much better your life can be with balanced levels of this life-giving element.

1. Iodine is an essential element

The thyroid creates hormones to regulate metabolism and cellular function. The two most important hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) require iodine for formation. Without iodine, the thyroid under-produces these hormones leading to hypothyroidism and other metabolic disorders.

2. Iodized salt is not a good source of iodine

Most table salt has been iodized in an effort to eliminate iodine deficiency. Unfortunately, the process of manufacturing this salt can include adding artificial versions of iodine and other chemicals, making it anything but healthy. Plus, to make it white, most table salt is bleached. Dietary iodine can be found in better sources. And, for salt, go with Himalayan Crystal Salt.


3. Iodine deficiency remains a problem

Much of the world continues to suffer from iodine deficiency. While many developing countries lack adequate dietary iodine, many western countries suffer iodine deficiency from diets based on processed foods. These foods introduce toxins which disrupt absorption of dietary iodine. This problem afflicts women more often than men.

4. Iodine deficiency and breast cancer have been linked

Although breast cancer has a number of causes and simply taking an iodine supplement shouldn’t at all be interpreted as a standalone cancer-preventative, studies have shown a correlation between breast cancer and thyroid disorders. Both the thyroid and breast require iodine to function properly. It has been noted in countries with a documented consumption of iodine rich foods that both problems occur less frequently in women. [1]

5. Good dietary sources of iodine are…

The best dietary sources of iodine come from the sea. Fish such as cod, shellfish and shrimp provide healthy doses of dietary iodine. Sea vegetables like dulse seaweed, kelp, arame, kombu, nori, sea palm and wakame provide the richest source of iodine. Other high quality sources of iodine include eggs, organic milk and yogurt, dark leafy greens and prunes.

6. ‘Iodine allergies’ are not caused by iodine

While many doctors mistakenly refer to iodine allergies, rest assured no one has exhibited an allergy to this vital nutrient. Most allergies attributed to iodine result from an allergic response to iodine-based radio contrast media used to sharpen images from x-rays or CT scans. Studies have found the reactions resulted from molecules in the contrast media, not iodine. It is worth noting that while mild symptoms may be the usual response, anaphylactic response and death have occurred. Those ‘iodine allergies’ associated with seafood occur as reactions to proteins in the seafood, not as a reaction to iodine.

7. Iodine helps fight harmful organisms

Iodine has been used for centuries as a topical application to harmful organism infection. To this day it has proven effective against most varieties. Hospitals continue to use gallons of iodine daily to fight harmful microorganisms and maintain a sterile environment.

8. Iodine protects the thyroid from radiation

During a nuclear event, radiation in the form of Iodine-131 can be released into the air. Exposure to this radioactive iodine can result in thyroid damage and hypothyroidism. The only way to protect the thyroid is to take iodine (atomic iodine is best) to flood the thyroid with a healthy, stable iodine. This prevents absorption of the radioactive iodine by the thyroid.

9. Pregnancy exacerbates iodine deficiency

Women during pregnancy require higher doses of iodine to meet their need, and the need of the developing fetus. Pregnant women suffering from mild iodine deficiency have been shown to develop more severe deficiencies. If not properly addressed, the thyroid imbalance and hypothyroidism can become a chronic problem even post-partum.

10. Adequate iodine prevents goitrogenic effects

Goitrogens inhibit hormone creation by the thyroid. These compounds can lead to goiter and hypothyroidism. Iodine therapy has been recommended and used to address the problems created by these compounds and help the body speed their removal. [2]

11. Inadequate iodine leads to slowed development

Health authorities discovered years ago that iodine deficiency, especially during fetal growth, led to mental retardation and cretinsim. Dietary supplementation with iodine after birth and during childhood has been shown not to counteract the result of iodine deficiency while in utero. [3] Maintaining appropriate iodine levels during pregnancy, and supplementing when appropriate, is one of the best ways to support proper neural development.

12. Medications interrupt iodine-thyroid function

Medications that use or mimic iodine have been found to interrupt thyroid function. Some drugs like amiodarone can lead to hyperthyroidism (the over-production of thyroid hormones). [4] Other drugs which can impact thyroid hormone metabolism include interferon, lithium, and dopamine. [5]

13. Iodine encourages detoxification

Healthy levels of iodine prevent toxic chemicals such as fluorine, chlorine, and bromine from interfering with thyroid function. Exposure to these chemicals occurs daily as they can be found in many foods, water and household chemicals. According to renowned iodine expert Dr. Brownstein, iodine supplementation does not allow these chemical toxins to accumulate in the body. This allows the body to pass these toxins out of the system.

14. Rejuvenates skin, from the inside out!

Iodine promotes healthy skin, nails and hair. It stimulates cellular function resulting in the regeneration of the lower layers of these cells. By rejuvenating the skin from the inside out – so to speak – iodine encourages smooth skin, hair color and strong nails.

15. Atomic iodine is the ideal supplement

Many iodine supplements use potassium iodide to provide iodine to the body. This iodide form requires the body to break it down into its component parts (which requires energy and by-products) before it can be used. Atomic iodine delivers the body a dose of iodine in the atomic form – the same form the thyroid uses for hormone creation. This highly bioavailable form of iodine allows the body to maximize the iodine supplement.

Breast Cancer Survivor

Breast Cancer Survivor and Righteously Raw Chocolate President Audrey Darrow Declares the Month of October to be All about BROWN at Earth Source Organics

Certified organic food manufacturing company Earth Source Organics works to spread awareness about the power of dark chocolate and nutrition to help fight against cancer and other diseases in preparation for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Power of Dark Chocolate and Nutrition
Let’s make this October about BROWN, not pink. And help spread awareness about the power of dark chocolate and healthy nutrition to reduce the risk of cancers and other diseases
San Diego, CA (PRWEB) July 31, 2013
As October draws closer, foundations, organizations, and groups throughout the nation gear up for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Thousands of fundraising events will take place, gathering the public together under a massive pink blanket in a show of solidarity and support for the prevention, treatment, cure, and awareness of breast cancer. Millions of dollars will be raised as the ubiquitous pink ribbon takes center stage once again. At Earth Source Organics, however, a different color dominates: BROWN.
While significant strides have been made thanks to the dedicated work of countless organizations, the emphasis has rested largely upon the perpetuation of breast cancer awareness rather than the intensive research necessary to develop viable cures and to explore other ways to help reduce risk, such as through controlling nutrition. Much funding goes to these awareness and screening efforts, leading to an overstatement of the benefits of mammograms while dismissing the risks of over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatment.
It is in answer to these shortfalls that Audrey Darrow founded Earth Source Organics. As someone with intimate knowledge of breast cancer and its lasting physical and emotional toll, Audrey states, “Not once in all these years has anyone mentioned the healing benefits of food as a medicine to reduce the risk of cancer and its recurrence. I want to stop this pink crap. I want to empower American women, not victimize them.” She created Earth Source Organics’ line of gourmet chocolate, Righteously Raw, as an expression of this desire to take her healing into her own hands – to reclaim her life and her body from the toxic effects of radiation and the battery of treatment drugs.
Righteously Raw Chocolate products harness the antioxidant power of the raw cacao chemical components known as flavonoids. These flavonoids work to fight free radicals and thus reduce risk factors of cancer. Their disease fighting properties extend beyond the reduction of free radicals and have been shown to carry many cardiovascular benefits as well. These include a reduction in inflammation and the risk of stroke, an improvement in blood flow, and protection against heart disease. With majority of products containing over 80% raw cacao, Righteously Raw Chocolates pack in all these health benefits without any refined sugars or processed ingredients. A myriad of superfood truffles such as açaí, goji, and maqui berry add touches of sweetness while boosting the immune-strengthening power of Righteously Raw products.
Earth Source Organics and Righteously Raw Chocolates are Audrey Darrow’s personal campaigns against breast cancer. They are her messages of empowerment through healthy living that she strives to spread to others. “Let’s make this October about BROWN, not pink,” she declares, “and help spread awareness about the power of dark chocolate and healthy nutrition to reduce the risk of cancers and other diseases.”
More about Righteously Raw Chocolates:
Righteously Raw is the gourmet chocolate brand of the certified organic food manufacturing company Earth Source Organics. Based in Southern California, this company is on a mission to provide organic and delicious foods to its customers to help them lead happy, healthy lives. For more information and to find Righteously Raw Chocolate near you, please visit
To learn more about the power of dark chocolate and the fight against breast cancer, please contact Audrey Darrow at (760) 734-1867 or e-mail info(at)earthsourceorganics(dot)com.

Sugar is Killing Us

Sugar is Killing Us is a campaign to spread information about the negative effects of sugar and empower people to make better food choices.

Fact or Myth: Is Antibacterial Soap Bad for You?

Fact or Myth: Is Antibacterial Soap Bad for You?
This is a FACT.
If you’ve kept up with the battle of antibacterial soap vs. regular soap you might think antibacterial soap is in the lead. Especially when you consider the marketing ploys and pushes that trick consumers into thinking that good ole’ fashion soap doesn’t have what it takes to kill germs and bacteria. Don’t get hoodwinked by cleaver advertising. The fact is that antibacterial soaps are doing you much more harm than good.

A Battlefield of Bacteria

Washing Hands
According to the American Medical Association (AMA), there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that antibacterial soaps protect against infection better than non-antibacterial soaps do. In fact, the AMA claims that widespread use of antibacterial soaps and scrubs have led to stronger, more resistant germs. Despite these warnings, nearly 50% of all soaps contain antimicrobial chemicals, many of which have never been approved by U.S. health regulators.  Antimicrobial agents were developed before laws requiring the scientific evaluation of cosmetic and household cleaning ingredients were instituted.
Antibacterial products were originally used to prevent infections from spreading in hospitals. The marketing appeal of such products took over, and as consumers starting using antibacterial soaps on the daily bacteria evolved into tougher, more virulent strains. Some antimicrobial agents in antibacterial soaps seek to eliminate bacteria in the same manner as prescription antibiotics. Should bacteria develop a resistant strain, it will most likely resist prescription antibiotics as well, leaving you with a thin line of defense against infectious illness.

The Dangers of Triclosan

Triclosan is an antimicrobial ingredient found in 75% of all antibacterial liquid soaps and body washes. It’s been used in toothpaste, mouthwash, clothes and even toys for more than four decades. Recent scientific studies, however, indicate a link between triclosan and hormone related problems, including infertility and early onset puberty.
Why is triclosan not being held accountable? In 1972, Congress passed a law requiring the FDA to formulate guidelines for the dozens of unapproved chemicals being used in over-the-counter soaps and scrubs. Six years later, the FDA drafted a first set of guidelines… four decades later and that draft is still incomplete. Pressure from consumer advocates and health organizations is mounting, and the FDA is launching a complete review on the effectiveness and safety of triclosan this year. As of now the FDA states, “the agency does not have evidence that triclosan in antibacterial soaps and body washes provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water.”

Kill Germs the Natural Way

Save the antibiotics for when you really need them, which isn’t when you are washing your hands or body. When it comes to antibacterial soap vs. regular soap, plain soap is the reigning champ. You can also prevent germs by using naturally occurring antibacterial agents such as lemon juice, which alters the pH of bacteria cells into an acidic environment that destroys microbes. Other natural antibacterial ingredients dry out bacteria, which thrive in moist environments. So practice safe soap and lather up!

Read more:




This week just zoomed right by me. I started out like every other Monday by going to the organic market. Dan and I then met our friends who are down here from Florida at one of the local cafes’, after a bite to eat and drink; Breta introduced us to a local artist and store owner. The store is called Hector’s Art and it is located at Av. Hidalgo # 95a Riberas del Pilar; Ajijic. He offered many high quality items for sale and were among the best I have seen in the area.

By the time Dan and I arrived home it was late afternoon and time for me to unload the food and prepare something for dinner. Even though the food I purchase is organic I still soak and wash them in a vegetable solution. The process is to soak the vegetables or fruit for about 10 minutes and then rinse using bottled water. There is nothing going to live on my vegetables or fruit!!!

Evening came and after dinner it was time to use the computer and as I was typing my eyes glanced out the window. The view was awesome; the sky had this pink top layer that just lightened up the sky. Dan had to take a picture for it was just unbelievable.

Tuesday was a day of rest and just staying around our apartment. After cleaning the house Dan and I ventured out for a walk along the property. I am very blessed to be able to experience the beauty all around me. Nature here surrounds me, it’s like the trees are saying this is where we belong. The mountains echo a since of peace and I do not know of any other place that we could of called home other then right here.

Wednesday we went into town once again. While walking the streets, sometimes I feel that I am living in the Wild West times. People ride horses in the streets and then if they want to go shopping, they tie the horses up outside. I had to take a picture my mind could not resist.

Thursday is our laundry day and we just hung around our place. We had plans to go with our Florida friends for dinner before they go back to the states. We met them down near the restaurant. The night was young and the celebration started and before long we wished them a safe trip home.

Friday we went to Chapala to see our butcher at the plaza in the middle of town. It’s unbelievable the amount we get for the cost and it is all grass fed beef.

Saturday another friend that we met here at Hotel Perico, came by and asked if we would like to go out to listen to some music. Well, we took him up on his offer and had a real good time listening to a live band that played songs from the 60’s, 70’s.

Until next time…Mexico is a safe place to live….

Daily habits that cause cancer

So what common patterns are we encountering for cancer rates to be rising so precipitously throughout North America?
daily habits

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why Mammography Is Unscientific And Harmful

Why Mammography Is Unscientific And Harmful
Getting a mammogram seems like a "no-brainer." The diagnostic test detects, by emitting allegedly harmless ionizing radiation, breast cancer early, thus it prevents the premature demise of the patient. Yet, many solid scientific facts invalidate these, on the surface, seemingly legitimate, highly plausible notions or claims about the value of mammography.

Some "Inconvenient" Facts Women Should Know About Mammography

"The interaction with the unaccountable, self-regulating business called "modern medicine" is analogous to buying a used car from a stranger: you never really know what you're getting because of the things you're not being told. And what is not being disclosed can (seriously) hurt you."
(Rolf Hefti, in "The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn't Want You To Know About", 2013)
Would you (still) have mammograms if you knew that:
● many, if not most, "breast cancers" detected by screening with mammography are non-cancers;
● practically all non-cancers get treated with biopsies, surgery, radiation therapy, and other orthodox cancer treatments. That is, many essentially healthy women receive unnecessary treatments, therefore they get seriously injured -particularly because these treatments frequently induce secondary cancers;
● primary tumors tend to spread (metastasize) predominantly after a person received surgery, radiation or chemo therapy, and early detection of breast cancer by mammography increases the use of these invasive cancer treatments;
● early detection of breast cancer by mammography does not decrease (or only non-significantly) the mortality rate because the orthodox theories on cancer progression, from early to advanced stages, rest on flawed research and erroneous medical dogmas;
● mammography increases total mortality;
● a single mammogram can cause severe, complex DNA damage, the type of genetic injury that increases the risk of (breast) cancer;
● the lowest possible dose of ionizing radiation increases the risk of cancer, and medical x-rays are probably the principal cause of breast cancer;
● ionizing radiation doesn't merely cause genetic defects but induces other damaging, systemic cell-destabilizing disruptions and carcinogenic effects (which, however, are ignored by the medical profession in their assessment of the safety of x-rays);
● the claim that the low radiation exposure from mammograms is a "hypothetical" risk is derived from corrupted raw databases on irradiation (the corruption, i.e., "re-adjustment" of the data, entailed to hide the great toxicity of radiation (at low levels). This allows big corporate entities, such as the medical industry, to claim "officially" that low dose medical x-rays are a small, "speculative" or "negligent" risk);
● the highly influential pro-mammogram research studies that led to the global introduction of mammography are seriously flawed;
● the medical orthodoxy has a long history of denying the various real dangers of mammography and exaggerating the benefits of mammographic screening, respectively;
● an extensive, intricate web of politics, corruption and bias in science research, vested interests, incestuous interrelationships between the cancer industry and government authorities, and sociological factors obfuscate or hide the real facts about mammography from the public at large;
● you have a small chance of receiving a benefit but great odds of getting harmed?
All of the statements above are comprehensively referenced and discussed in my recently released (e)book The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn't Want You To Know About.
At, I disclose some more compelling details about "The Mammogram Myth".

An (e)book Kindle version of "The Mammogram Myth" is available for purchase, for only $7.99, from Amazon at (non-affiliate link)

For an (e)book version in multiple formats (e.g., ePub, MOBI, PDF, HTML), at a one-time purchase ($7.99), go to Smashwords at (non-affiliate link)