Saturday, February 29, 2020


I want to wish everyone a Happy Leap Day.  Our Misfit veggies and fruit came the other day.  Enjoy getting our produce right to the door.  Its fresh and organic – It’s a subscription box of misfit fruits and vegetables making it easy and affordable for all to eat healthy. They are dedicated to breaking the cycle of food waste by helping delicious food find a good home. Your home.  

I wrote an article a while back when I was living in Florida several years ago regarding co-ops.  Back in the day organic foods were very scarce and very few super markets carried organic and if they did it was very high priced, so Dan and I joined a co-op.  I find this is better for I get it delivered straight to the door. 

Misfits Purpose

Almost half of the food grown by farmers in this country is never sold, but eating healthy keeps getting more expensive. This is a cycle of food waste that needs to end, and there’s a very simple solution to this very ugly problem. Eat Misfits.

Why Misfits?

          Save Money

Delicious and nutritious, at incredibly reasonable prices. By sourcing high quality fruits and vegetables that stores can’t or won’t sell, our prices are up to 40% less than you’d find in stores

      Stop Food Waste

Almost half of all produce harvested in the United States is never eaten. Fruits and vegetables go unpicked in fields or get thrown away at the store, simply because they don’t look good.

3.       Better for all of us

Helping farms find a market for the things they grow. Making it easier to put fresh fruits and vegetables at the center of our diet. Rescuing produce from the landfill. Good for everybody.

4.       Always fresh, sometimes normal.

Misfit produce delivered directly to you for up to 40% less than grocery store prices


Written on Thursday, April 12, 2012

I am writing this piece for it is the most important step to keep you alive. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. The key word is nutritional and in today’s world we have taken most of it out of our foods. Since a year and ½ ago I have made it my second highest importance to educate and spread the importance of how food relates to our living or dying. The saying you are what you eat, is so true.

When I was diagnosed with Breast cancer, I thought first, why me and then what did I do to deserve this. I exercised regularly and did not eat junk food. But I did not realize the importance of the value of the food that I was eating. Since then my lifestyle has changed drastically. I chose not to go the conventional way for my treatments with cancer. I did not like the idea of cut, poison and burn. My idea was to find another way that was healthier and had a better rate of survival. I chose a program in Mexico called Functional Medicine and today I have managed my cancer with the help of some awesome people. If you are interested in the program and my journey through my treatments just go to At the time of my diagnoses I did not know my purpose, but I do now ~ we must open our eyes to what we are eating for this is what is the center of the destruction.

Food can change everything about you from your looks to how you are feeling. With the research that I have come across it is basically easy to make a change and still be able to enjoy the taste of food. All you have to do is substitute the bad with the good.

For example, processed foods have a lot of manmade chemicals with in the ingredients which are harmful to our bodies. We can change by not eating those types of foods and creating your own by preparing with natural ingredients. It will taste the same, but you will live a happier and healthier life span.

Another problem that has been growing throughout our country is our fruit and vegetables are being sprayed with chemicals to kill the insects. Gee, if it is killing the insects, what do you think it is doing to us! I know that this is a big reason we have been getting sick with the diseases that we are facing in today’s world. We can change this if we ban those products and eat organic foods. For the past year I have joined a co-op and with changing my eating habits I have gained a lot of respect for the food I eat.

The definition of a co-op, from the International Cooperative Alliance: "A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others." You can Google organic co-ops in your area.

Another way to get organic food is to start your own garden. It is not hard at all, for I live in a condo and have limited space. One day I decided to start my own garden in pots on my porch just to show that it can be done anywhere if you set your mind to it.

On the web site there is a page of recipes that I have cooked with most of my Misfit produce.  I wanted to show that anyone can cook and make it smell and look delicious.  The motto is, If I can do it any one can.

Last night I just roasted in the oven some veggies. This recipe I like because you can add any veggies that you have in your refrigerator.  The only time spent is the preparing of cutting them and putting them in a pan and adding your favorite spices.

My daughter sent me a book that I am reading now on spices.  Its amazing on how spices can heal one’s ailments.  In the near future, I will share my findings.



1.       Two carrots

2.       A turnip

3.       A red pepper and yellow pepper

4.       A beet

5.       A sweet potato

6.       One red small onion

7.       Four mushrooms

8.       Six Brussel Sprouts

9.       Spices – basil, cumin, cayenne pepper, turmeric, oregano, parsley, garlic powder

1      Olive oil


Very simple

1.       Cut all the veggies up in different sizes

2.       Spread into a pan and add the spices on top

3.       Sprinkle olive oil on top and roast in oven until desired (medium to soft)

I like to have a salad with this, there are so many ways of preparing salads. In upcoming blog post I will share some recipes.

Enjoy Leap Year and the extra day and until tomorrow have a fantastic Saturday.

Friday, February 28, 2020


I wrote an article on October 8, 2015 regarding How important our environment is to a healthy clean life.  I once had a wise man say; you cannot help what is out in the world, but you can take care of what is in your home.  I took that to heart and this is why I am so passionate about educating others how important our water, food, products we use and our will being is.

The best way to stop any chronic disease is awareness and the first step to stop it is prevention. Our environment plays a big part when it comes to illness, so we need to look at it and educate our minds for change.

Five years ago, I bought Heckle our turtle, and when we returned to the states, I thought should I take him with us or will he be better staying in Mexico.  I took him to a vet to see if he would be alright to travel the distance. Dan and I also considered how we were going to transport him to the states.  The best situation was to drive across the border.  He was part of the family so we couldn’t leave him behind, after all.

OCTOBER 8, 2015

For example, seven months ago, I bought Heckle my turtle from this pet store in Chapala, Mexico. The attendant told me that Heckle will only last up to five months and gave me this little bowl for his living quarters. Certainly, these turtles last longer; so, I did some research and they will live up to seventy-five years. It’s the environment ~ where they live and how they live that makes a big difference. In small area’s they do not get enough exercise and it creates stress which causes short term life. It’s all about quality of life! I am going to prove that my turtle will last much longer with the bigger tank and love. I put a little dish in the tank with lettuce, this was intended for him to eat; however, every night when Dan and I turn off his overhead light for the tank he crawls inside and pulls the lettuce over him. This is much like we do when we sleep.

Our life is much like Heckle’s, our environment such as the foods we eat, the water we drink, products we use, the area we live in ~ chemicals in the air, lack of exercise and issues that causes stress.

We cannot change the outside surroundings of our homes and lives, but we can change what we do within them.

Since Heckle has been in the states; now 8 months, I have provided a playground for him to walk around and exercise.  I added things for him to crawl around and go up and down.  I bought a small swimming pool for him to walk around and explore during the day and at night in the tank with a heater.  Have his tank near the sliding glass door for the sun comes in and he loves to look out. 

This is what we need in a way, the sun shining on our everyday life’s and to live a clean healthy life.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Hello from Dan and Sherry,

This is to a beginning of a healthy life.  After much soul searching and managing cancer for nine years, Dan and I decided to not only share our personal stories with you; but also challenge our lifestyle with videos of our everyday journey.  Its not just about us, its about hope and inspiration.

We may have a chronic disease, but that does not mean that we have to fear it. No one knows when the end is, for we could die of many natural things. We could die in a hurricane, earth quake, or car accident. You get the drift; this is not to be negative; I just wanted to point out the need to enjoy life no matter what.

If you do not already have a plan for the future, make one. I’m sure there is a goal of traveling, seeing a loved one grow-up, celebrating special events, and just loving life. Focus on what you can do and not what you can’t and be thankful for what you have every day.
Now, that you figure out the importance of your life, there is time to research and find the best methods to overcome the disease. Doctors want you to think that its either their way or the highway. The cancer for example did not happen over night and has been growing at least 6 or more years. Now it has gotten big enough to be seen on a Ct Scan or MRI. This disease can be managed without chemo or radiation, if you choose to go another route.

There are even groups that can inspire you to do so, with other people in the same situation as you are that have done other methods and are doing great.


Last month I have shared a new feature on the website,, which I hope inspires one to check that keeping healthy is a lifetime of balancing your body, heart and soul. Our bodies need certain things to stay balanced; you are what you eat, you are what you put on your bodies, movement for keeping your organs working, and spirituality by keeping your mind positive.

I’m going to start blogging daily, for we just moved back to the states after about seven years and there are many challenges that we are facing. Dan and I are taking each day at a time. For example, living in the Virginia area without a car. We have been walking, taking the bus and Uber. Getting back in the system of what we left seven years ago is quite an adventure.

Remember there are no mistakes, just lessons. Trust and love yourself and anything is possible. It’s your choice, don’t let anyone tell you different.


My daughter for Christmas gave the best gift of her love. It was a journal of gratitude. In reading this book and sharing it with Dan, I realize how important it is to our well being. I would love to share this gift by adding this to my blog this month. One of the most important parts of healing is forgiveness and counting your blessings. Focusing on the blessings in life lightens the heart, lifts the spirit, and calms an anxious mind. By simply shifting your thoughts from worrying over what you don’t have to feeling grateful for what you do have can alter your entire experience of the world. Once you begin to count your blessings, they have a way of multiplying. Follow me in the blog…


The past couple of weeks, I have also researched on how one can order food on the internet. Before we left the states, in Florida we were a member of a co-op and it worked great. Coming back to another area, I have found a company called, Misfits Market. This company is organic and delivers fruits and vegetables to your door. I have ordered from them and liked what I have

Since we have been back, its been hard to find wild salmon in our area. What we have found was fishy! There is this company that we have ordered from called, Vital Choice they are also on the site and Dan even purchased fish oil capsules from them. We have been very pleased with the products.

As I continue to research and purchase items that I have tried and like, I will share with my viewers.

Life is about experiences and sharing them, love to hear from you and what worked for you.

Until next month, signing off to a healthier and enjoyable month of March.

There is this man we met in Mexico, a English man named Jimmy. He played the trumpet. He played and sang an amazing Louis Armstrong song : WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD. He passed on last week. I dedicate this video to him.

Friday, February 21, 2020


Focusing on the good (blessings) in your life lightens the heart, lift's the spirit and calms the anxious mind. By simply shifting your thoughts from worry over what you can't change and to feeling grateful for what you have can alter your experience of the entire world. Plus, once you count your blessings they have a way of multiplying. Just think as you look more and more at the good around you, you can't help see more of it. This is a challenge, like living clean, but I'm up to it- Are you???



My goal in doing these personal videos of Dan and I are for inspiration and hope.  When I was healing from cancer, I enjoyed hearing inspirational stories of others that were going through an autoimmune disease and how they were treating it naturally.

This video is showing how we exercise daily and how important it is to healing one’s body of stress and other factors.  Dan and I try to make it fun by walking a mile and a half in the morning and a mile and a half in the afternoon, by walking on a tread mill or going out in nature and walking around the neighborhood or even to the store a little less than a mile.
In the month coming we are going to pick an area in Virginia that we have not been to.  May it be a town or a park to walk and also enjoy the surroundings.

We try to walk each day three miles, once in the morning and another in the afternoon.  Its best to break it up, for our bodies need the movement and if you split it up it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Plus, it also keeps energy levels up.

Until next time, have a safe and enjoyable day.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


For Christmas my daughter gave me this gift book, Count Your Blessings.  I would love to share with you the messages and lessons.  Dan and I have been doing this journal of gratitude, and it has been a blessing.

I feel its real important to have gratitude when healing from disease and to live a happy life.  Blessings come to all and we need to believe that the best is coming.



Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It even affects our health. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance.

Meditation can also help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations found in the Buddhist tradition.  

Monday, February 17, 2020



For the past seven years, Dan and I have not owned a car and so we walk.  I love to exercise by going out in nature and stroll at my own pace.  It’s like taking care of two things in one.

When we lived in Mexico, the challenge was walking on cobblestones every day.  The road was very uneven and it was hard on our feet.  Then moving to Virginia, the challenge now is the steep hills.  Walking down them is not that difficult, but coming back up them – well! Specially when we have groceries, I give Dan and I a pat on the shoulder for being in our sixties and still being able to do this.
We have made it part of our daily routine.

Sunday, February 16, 2020


OUR NEW ADVENTURE moving back to the states after 7 years living in Mexico. Dan and my first Valentine Day in Roanoke, Virginia. Living Clean in the USA. Follow Dan and my adventure.
Visited TAUBMAN Museum of Art. 110 Salem Ave SE Roanoke, VA 24011



As I sit and conjure my thoughts, a question comes to mind. If you could have your cake and eat it too--would you? There are two sides to every coin, as there are to every story. But I can say our journey shared over these next pages shows an experience many of us share. There are dark moments and moments of inspiration. There is love, along with sheer terror. Tears stain these pages, showing the reviving energy of great joy. Hope and education are what I am trying to provide. In the end, what is life without them? This writing is for finding inspiration when it is lost.

Dan and I are neither a doctor, nor have the experience of one, but we are both survivors of cancer who feared for our lives. This is not about what is right or wrong; it is about educating ourselves to make choices, along with the awesome power of knowledge. Everyone should be given a choice, and it should be up to each of us to educate ourselves. With the internet, today, it's easy to research and discover alternative therapies and methodologies for treating and winning the battle against this disease. So first, we must believe that these solutions are possible. This is Dan and my personal story we choose to share with you so that you may become aware of another path to wellness of the body, mind, and spirit (FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE).


How to Make Your Own Natural Liquid Hand Soap

  • Castille Soap
  • Essential Oil(s)- cinnamon, lavender or peppermint, blood orange, lemon
  • Water

  • Take 1-2 Tablespoons (1 for typical soap dispenser, 2 for larger)
  •  Place soap into chosen dispenser
  • Add 15-25 drops of essential oil of your choice (keep dropping until you can smell the oil from the top of the dispenser)
  • Add water to near top of dispenser
  • Add pump lid
  • Shake

You can put this recipe into literally any pump dispenser, remembering that it will be thinner than commercial soap.
Once you rub your hands together though, a lather forms and you get the same hand cleansing experience, 
without the toxic chemicals.