We relocated nine months ago in Virginia and looking forward to share our next phase of managing cancer while enjoying life.
However, I have created a website that also has a blog, which I will be doing a daily journal with our experiences in our new environment. Please join me there and continue to support my writings. Go to https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog-1
Until tomorrow, take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.
The word nature refers to various energies and matters. Nature may refer to the general realm of living plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with unanimated objects the way that particular types of things exist and change of their own accord, such as the weather and geology of the earth.
Nature comes alive when the wind speaks to the trees with a whisper of peace.
Through this sound we relate to the living plants and animals of nature to give birth to happiness.
We stand by with the echoing of our souls with a smile and give thanks to all the art of color around us.
Imagine the conversation that surrounds us and touch the thought of beauty that is in front of us.
Nature is Gods gift to us and it gives us a since of joy and calmness.
We create the relationship of friendship through nature and understand the ways it fits in to our planet during the changes it takes place.
Through your imagination, meditate the beauty of the nature of colors around.
Its hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since my first step to healing and managing cancer. As I glance back to what I had endured, I reflect the positive of my treatments. It has been an education in itself and with the knowledge I have grown in so many ways. I learned to have an open mind and take in the knowledge that the world has to offer. The universe is a big place and has a lot if exciting methods other then cut, poison , and burn.
I left Mexico a year ago with a new understanding of my life. I was no longer afraid of cancer for I learned to control it through my doctors; Dr Perez and Dr Garcia. We are all going to die someday, but on what terms. I was not ready to give up and through my treatments and home program, I now understand the need to keep my bodies immune system in tack. Along with maintaining a balanced immune system , I was taught about how food affects ones body . I have been hearing for the past year “ LETS FIND A CURE FOR CANCER”,
Well there is and its under our noses! If we can prevent it with changing our live style, would you do it? I know it can be done ~ I have done it and truly believe that its all about our environment. We have to change and reject all the chemicals that surround us and replace them with natural products.
This should be the future goal for all of us. I am humble and blessed for the time that GOD has given me and through change we can make a difference.
Reflecting back from the first treatments at the facility, I was unable to swallow pills and one of my requests was for the medicine to be in liquid form. The doctors were understanding and provided me with most of them in IV form; however they were not able to do for all. It was a challenge, but I learned to take the pills down with ice cold water (lots of ice). I have accomplished a great task, for I take ninety-seven enzymes, vitamins and minerals daily. If you think about it ~ That’s about seven hundred a week and over thirty thousand this past year. I guess I am making up for all the years I wasn’t able to swallow.
I know that its up to us to chose our direction, so I am not trying to sell you on any thing, but I am trying to advise you to do some research before making a decision that is going to change your future.
Sheryl Malin - Thanks for your informed explanation of dendritic cell therapy. I had written about this in Knockout in Burton Goldberg's chapter . It is another exceptional protocol and Dr. Munoz in Mexico provides this therapy along with others. I'm glad you are doing so well and spreading the word about viable options. Be wary of CT scans. Last year a report came out that there is a THOUSAND TIMES MORE RADIATION THAN THEY THOUGHT!