We relocated nine months ago in Virginia and looking forward to share our next phase of managing cancer while enjoying life. However, I have created a website that also has a blog, which I will be doing a daily journal with our experiences in our new environment. Please join me there and continue to support my writings. Go to https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog-1 Until tomorrow, take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
cancer tutor
by R. Webster Kehr, Chairman Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. (ICRF) Safe, Gentle and Highly Effective Cancer Treatments Already Exist!!Did you know that "cure rates" for the same kind of cancer can range from 3% to 90%? Safe and gentle cancer treatments (with 90% cure rates) have existed for decades!! But the general public does not know about these cancer treatments because the media doesn't talk about them. Why not?? The reason is that the media is owned by multi-billionaires and the treatments that have 90% cure rates are not profitable enough to satisfy their lust for profits. People who trust the media have a 3% chance of surviving their cancer for 5 years!!
Clinical Oncology (2004) 16: 549-560): Oncology Cure Rates If you studied the charts, the 5-year cure rate in America is 2.1%. In other words, in five years after diagnosis, 97.9% of the cancer patients treated with orthodox cancer treatments are dead. So which practitioners and researchers have the 90% cure rate treatments? People who are not controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. By definition, because we do not endorse prescription drugs, we are called "alternative medicine" or "natural medicine" researchers. In fact, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation rarely researches plants, but we do research products which include extracts from plants (such as DMSO and MSM) and very gentle electromedicine. All of the orthodox medicine non-profit organizations, such as the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Susan G. Komen Foundation (which helps fund Planned Parenthood), are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (the son of the founder of the pharmaceutical industry in America) founded the ACS in 1913!! The American Cancer Society (3% cure rates) receives more money in contributions, every ten minutes, that the ICRF (90% cure rates) receives in a year!! That gives you an idea of the power of the media to control the minds of the general public. In fact, as this web page will show, virtually everything you know about cancer is wrong!! What Really Causes Cancer?The American Cancer Society claims that DNA damage causes cancer: "Cells become cancer cells because of damage to DNA." (www.cancer.org) To say that DNA damage causes cancer gives them an excuse to not cure cancer, but the claim is scientific nonsense. This claim is merely justification for their total and complete failure to cure cancer. But even if DNA damage did cause cancer, why waste your time fixing the DNA damage when it is possible to gently target and kill cancer cells? Does the DNA damage protect a cancer cell from being killed? Of course not!! Later on this page I will explain what really causes cancer and what causes the DNA damage and why the DNA damage cannot occur until after the cell is already cancerous!! Not only is cancer not caused by DNA damage, but safe and gentle cancer treatments exist that can revert cancer cells into normal cells!! This would be impossible if DNA damage caused cancer. Reverting cancer cells into normal cells was first done in the 1930s, which was more than two decades before the discovery of DNA. But the technology was shut down by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is essentially the "police force" of the ultra-wealthy and politically-connected owners of the drug companies. Congress, which created the FDA, is also on the long list of organizations that have "sold out" to Big Pharma. The only objective of the FDA is to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies. The technology to revert cancer cells into normal cells was developed by a microbiologist named Dr. Royal Rife. He was the first to specifically try to revert cancer cells into normal cells. Dr. Rife knew that microbes inside the cancer cells were causing the cells to be cancerous, but he did not know the mechanism of how the microbes caused the cancer. If was ICRF personnel who discovered the mechanism of how these microbes cause cancer. This will be discussed later in this article. Rife's device was designed to kill these microbes and he had a 100% cure rate. That is precisely why he was shut down by the FDA (Note: before the FDA shut down Dr. Rife, the American Medical Association tried to "buy him out," but he refused their offer because he knew they would destroy his equipment and his research). The good news is that eleven of his machines were sold before he was shut down. Because three of his original machines have been found, his technology has been replicated by the High RF Frequency Devices, which are "electromedicine devices," which will be discussed in a moment. My point is that the cancer treatments with 90% cure rates come from cancer researchers who do not work for the pharmaceutical industry. The AMA is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA is the private "police force" of the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA was a gift to the pharmaceutical industry by Congress in about 1910.Introduction to Highly Effective Cancer TreatmentsSo who else has used safe, gentle and effective natural medicine treatments? As another example, the late Dr. William D. Kelley, who died in 2005, treated more than 33,000 cancer patients. Dr. Kelley was able to cure more than 90% of the cancer patients who were initially treated by him. Dr. Kelley used natural enzymes to strip the protein coating off of cancer cells so the immune system could identify the cancer cells and kill them. This protocol can be added to any of the more modern natural cancer treatments and it is a very good addition. Compare Dr. Kelley's 90% cure rate to the current overall 5-year cure rate of orthodox medicine of less than 3%!! But many natural medicine cancer researchers have greatly improved on Dr. Kelley's protocol!! For example, the Cellect-Budwig protocol (see the left side-bar, which is the column of links on the left side of all web pages) includes the Kelley protocol (and it frequently includes one of the modern Rife devices), but it adds a key product called Cellect, plus other cancer treatments!! In the Cellect-Budwig protocol the Kelley protocol is just one of several highly potent cancer treatments. So why did Mike Vrentas, a modern cancer researcher, and who is on the board of the ICRF, add other products, including Cellect, to a cancer treatment that had a 90% cure rate? Ponder that question. The answer is probably not what you think. If Mike, and others like him, worked with newly diagnosed cancer patients, he likely would not need to add anything to the Kelley protocol. But because of the media it is very rare when Mike or I or any of us get to work with a newly diagnosed cancer patient. Because of the media almost all cancer patients start their cancer treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and by the time they are "sent home to die" they figuratively have "one foot in the grave" and they are very difficult to cure. When cancer patients are sent home to die, a very, very small percentage of them look into natural or alternative medicine!! Thank the media for that also. For those sent home to die, the Kelley protocol, by itself, is simply not strong enough. That is why it is usually a supplemental protocol to far more powerful treatments. So why has the medical community universally refused to integrate Dr. Kelley's methods into their treatments because they are the only ones who see newly diagnosed cancer patients (due to the media)?? The reason is that the highly effective treatments used by Dr. Kelley are not as profitable, by a wide margin, as drug-based orthodox treatments. This is because natural substances, like natural enzymes, cannot be patented. The entire battle between orthodox medicine and natural medicine is driven by patent laws combined with greed. In fact, the American Medical Association (AMA) (which has been in bed with the drug companies since before 1910), was so upset with Dr. Kelley they had him thrown in jail and he was forced to flee to Mexico to treat cancer patients!! So while modern cancer researchers frequently embrace the Kelley protocol, and add it to newer products and technologies, orthodox medicine has ignored and persecuted the Kelley protocol. Why have the media's "investigative journalists" not uncovered all of this and glorified Dr. Kelley and his amazing cancer treatments? Because they want to keep their jobs. The products that Dr. Kelley used are not as profitable to the media, by a wide margin, as current treatments. "Investigative journalists" work for the media companies, not the general public. The media only glorifies things that are profitable to their owners. The media is like an iceberg: you only see the 10% of the truth they want you to see. The other 90% of the truth is blacklisted because it does not lead to higher profits. But they are masters at making you think you are seeing the entire iceberg!! In fact, the propaganda machine of the media has totally ignored Dr. Kelley, as has the medical establishment. As a result, the general public cannot believe that someone could have a cure rate that high!! The media is owned by multi-billionaires, just like the pharmaceutical industry is owned by multi-billionaires. Do you see a pattern here? Unlike the multi-billionaires in the media and medical establishment, who disdain the "common people," modern cancer researchers (in natural medicine) are not interested in becoming billionaires or even millionaires, they are interested in helping cancer patients. Wow, what a concept, people exist who believe the Golden Rule!! At the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, or ICRF, we are proud to say that we are part of the continuing heritage of Dr. Kelley and other natural medicine researchers. Some of the most important discoveries in natural medicine were made by ICRF researchers. More will be said about this below. We, and many others like us, are blacklisted by the media because we represent treatments that are in the best interests of cancer patients, but are not profitable enough for the multi-billionaires. Modern day cancer researchers, who are not controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, have access to far better materials than what Dr. Kelley had access to. Cellect is just one example. This paragraph is important to understand: If you have been paying attention the American Medical Association was involved in both the Kelley and Rife persecution. These two protocols had 90% and 100% cure rates, respectively. No one needs to say that the AMA does not know how to cure cancer!! The AMA could recommend medical doctors use BOTH the Kelley protocol and the Rife protocol and they would have a cure rate of over 90%. So why do AMA member still have less than a 3% cure rate when the AMA itself knows how to produce more than a 90% cure rate?? Money. The FDA also knows about these cures, and many other cures, because they have shut down many natural medicine clinics and practitioners. In fact, they could easily have a 100% cure rate. They even shut down one clinic in Georgia which was using DMSO and very low dose chemotherapy, which alone would have a 100% cure rate because the chemotherapy would target the cancer cells (because of the DMSO) and not bother the healthy cells. In fact, 4 types of chemotherapy have been identified that "bind" to DMSO. DMSO can bind to chemotherapy and then the DMSO will seek out the cancer cells like a guided-missle. In theory, this is the best cancer treatment on earth, but due to corrupt governments we are not aware of anyone who is using this protocol. But don't wait for either the AMA or FDA to use the protocols they know about that can cure cancer. Their job is to crush these technologies. They refer to cancer treatments with 90% cure rates as "unproven." The "proven" protocols have 3% cure rates!! Obviously, the term "unproven" really means "unprofitable."Newer And More Powerful Natural Medicine TreatmentsOne newer natural medicine protocol is the Cellect-Budwig protocol (as already mentioned) combined with an optional High RF Frequency Device - Plasma electromedicine device. This is a superb cancer treatment. This device uses a technology that actually reverts cancer cells into normal cells because it was patterned after Dr. Royal Rife's equipment, which was mentioned above, but uses far newer technology!! The High RF Frequency Device - Plasma (which is not its real name) and its little brother, the High RF Frequency Device - 10 Watt are frequently used with the Cellect-Budwig and other natural medicine treatments. Either High RF Frequency Device can also be used with the Cellect-Budwig, Cesium Chloride Protocol or the Photon Protocol. The left side-bar link for these devices is called: "High RF Freq Protocol." As another example, the Cesium Chloride Protocol has an optional electromedicine device called the QRS. The Cesium Chloride Protocol has been in continuous use for more than 30 years!! I have personally known Larry, of Essense-of-Life, for over 10 years and he is clearly the modern-day expert in the home use of this protocol. Some clinics, particularly in Europe, use this protocol. Like the other protocols, there is a link to this protocol on the left side-bar. As yet another example, the Photon Protocol, which uses one or both of the two Photon devices (the Photon Genius or Photon Genie), deals with the "root cause" of cancer. The "root cause" of cancer is microbes and parasites that get inside of the organs, such as the liver and pancreas. These microbes and parasites intercept the food of the organs and excrete highly acidic mycotoxins and other things. This weakens the organs, which in turn weakens the immune system. Once the immune system is weak, the immune system is no longer able to keep the number of cancer cells under control!! Thus the cancer cells can grow out of control and the person is "diagnosed" with cancer!! The Photon Protocol deals both with the microbes in the organs (via a nutritional protocol), which restores the immune system (which can again deal with the cancer cells) and it helps restore the weak energy of the cells (via a Photon electromedicine device designed by the late Ed Skilling). In fact, for a cancer patient there are microbes inside the cancer cells (which blocks the production of ATP energy), there are microbes in the bloodstream (which blocks the immune system) and there are microbes and parasites in the organs (which is the main reason the immune system is weak and the patient got cancer in the first place)!! In summary, cancer is a microbial disease, not a DNA disease. As will be seen below, the DNA damage in cancer cells is caused by the DNA of the microbes which are inside the cancer cells. This was discovered by the Virginia Livingston team of natural medicine researchers. More on this later. The Cellect-Budwig, Cesium Chloride and Photon Protocol are only three of many protocols which use technologies Dr. Kelley never knew about or even dreamed about. Some of the newer protocols are designed to heavily deal with microbes and others simply kill the cancer cells safely. In fact, Cellect is a product designed to safely kill cancer cells and do several other things, such as build the immune system.What Is the Recommended Protocol For Your Situation?On the left side-bar are many links to specific types of cancer, such as Breast Cancer. Each article recommends a specific natural medicine cancer treatment to deal with that type of cancer. In each case the protocol will include expert telephone support from a natural medicine expert. The Ed Skilling Institute supports the Photon Protocol (which is recommended for melanoma, for example),Larry of Essense-of-Life (spelling is correct) supports the Cesium Chloride Protocol (which is recommended for lymphoma, for example), Mike Vrentas supports the Cellect-Budwig Protocol (which is recommended for pancreatic cancer, for example). This is how you find the recommended protocol. You do not have to use the recommended protocol, because any of the protocols will deal with any type of cancer. I divide up the protocols, for specific types of cancer, based on a combination of factors. About The Dirt Cheap Protocol (VERY IMPORTANT FOR ALL PATIENTS)Before going on I would like to mention the Dirt Cheap Protocol. Because orthodox medicine leaves many cancer patients dead broke when they are sent home to die, many cancer patients cannot afford any of the above three protocols, or some of the other protocols (e.g. the Bob Wright Protocol which uses high pH ionized water). The Dirt Cheap Protocol was designed both for cancer patients in this situation and for cancer patients in other countries who either cannot afford the "big name" protocols or their country will not allow the import of some of the key products. But do not underestimate the Dirt Cheap Protocol, it is based on rock-solid cancer theory!! In fact, I strongly recommend that when a cancer patient finishes their main protocol (e.g. the Photon Protocol, etc.) that they wait three weeks and then use the Dirt Cheap Protocol for several more months to "finish off" the cancer. In fact, I cannot emphasize this strongly enough!!! For example, the DMSO/CD protocol is one of the amazing treatments in the Dirt Cheap Protocol that has cured cancer by itself. However, DMSO cannot be used with blood-thinners. For many patients the Dirt Cheap Protocol will be the main protocol due to their budget.Important Comments About Very Weak Cancer PatientsYou would not believe the condition of many of the cancer patients who have been sent home to die and do not find out about natural cancer treatments until they are already very weak. The cure rate on these patients is certainly not 90%, but do not underestimate the power of the newer natural cancer treatments!! You would be amazed at what we know!! On the left side bar you will see a link titled: "Weak Cancer Patients" (the link is in red). This is an amazing and incredibly important article for weak cancer patients!! The weak cancer patient article discusses many supplements which should be added to the main protocol (e.g. the Cellect-Budwig is a "main" protocol) specifically to deal with weak cancer cells and weak non-cancerous cells. The article also talks about the Photon Genius and Photon Genie. Regardless of your main cancer treatment, a very weak cancer patient who cannot afford to purchase a Photon Genius should contact the Ed Skilling Institute to see if there is a Photon Genius near them which they can use!! It can be used with any protocol. The Photon Genius is the "king" of energizing weak cells, and many of them are available to cancer patients, usually for a small fee. Or they can be purchased for $25,000. The Photon Genie is not as powerful but it can be used 24x7 (24 hours a day) and it does energize cells. It only costs about $3,000. Here is how to find out if there is a Photon Genius near you:Ed Skilling Institute If there is not a Photon Genius nearby, a Quantum Pulse is almost as good (it does not have infrared but it does energize cells). Here is how to see if there is a Quantum Pulse near you: Finding a Quantum Pulse For a very weak cancer patient; dealing with the weak cells may be the highest priority of focus for the first couple of weeks!! For Those Using the Photon Protocol As Their Main TreatmentMost cancer treatments can be started within days, but the Photon Protocol requires a consultation with the Ed Skilling Institute to determine which supplements are needed to kill the specific microbes they want to kill. For those who use the Photon Protocol as their main cancer treatment, it may take the Ed Skilling Institute (which sells and supports the Photon devices) several weeks to do the consultation. Therefore, a weak patient on the Photon Protocol should START the Dirt Cheap Protocol TODAY, along with items in the "Weak Patient's" article, some of which can be purchased at a health food strore. Several of the items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol can also be purchased at a health food store or grocery store. When the supplements the Ed Skilling Institute recommends arrive at your house, you MUST STOP the item in the Dirt Cheap Protocol called the Kelmun Protocol (because a cancer patient should only use one highly alkaline protocol at a time and both the Kelmun protocol and the Skilling protocol are highly alkaline). However, the patient may (as they choose) continue any of other Dirt Cheap Protocol items as they desire!! Only the Kelmun Protocol is alkaline enough to avoid when using the Photon Protocol. In other words, while LIPH and lemon juice are alkaline, they are not alkaline enough to worry about if taken with other alkaline protocols. In fact, the Dirt Cheap Protocol (WITHOUT the Kelmun baking soda and maple syrup) can be used with ANY of the other major protocols. (NOTE: People ask me all the time why maple syrup or molasses or honey are in the cancer treatments I design. These items are "Trojan Horses" to get microbe-killing substances inside the cancer cells to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells so the cancer cells will revert into normal cells. In fact, the theory behind the Kelmun Protocol is SUPERB!!)Several Other Comments About TreatmentsAs another example of natural medicine, there are supplements that are designed to provide special nutrients for the immune system. Two examples are "Transfer Point" and "Transfer Factor." There are also a number of products to deal with inflammation (use Google):Inflamma-bLOX InflammaCORE Noni Juice (anthraquinones) DMSO (which is used in several cancer treatments) Chickweed Echinacea Basal Aloe Arborescens (the commercial product also includes honey) (see left side-bar) Many treatments revert cancer cells into normal cells by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells. Aloe Arborescens is a typical cancer treatment that combines a "Trojan Horse" with something that kills microbes. The commercial formula, which has been used in many countries, includes honey and the Aloe Arborescens. Honey is the "Trojan Horse" to target cancer cells and get the microbe-killing Aloe Arborescens plant inside the cancer cells to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and thus revert the cancer cells into normal cells. The formula is state-of-the-art cancer theory at its best!! Cancer cells have 15 times more glucose receptors than normal cells, so the honey targets the cancer cells and gets the microbe-killing Aloe Arborescens inside the cancer cells to kill the microbes. But the formula was not discovered by a cancer researcher. It was discovered using trial and error by a Catholic Priest in a very poor part of Brazil!! Orthodox medicine would not treat these cancer patients because they were too poor, so a wonderful Priest came up with the formula. Aloe Arborescens is so powerful at killing microbes it is used as a treatment for AIDS!! Chlorine Dioxide (CD) is also used to treat AIDS around the world. It is typically combined with DMSO as the Trojan Horse. The DMSO/CD protocol, like Aloe Arborescens, has cured cancer by itself. Both protocols are in the Dirt Cheap Protocol, but Aloe Arborescens can be added to any natural medicine cancer treatment. The rules for using DMSO/CD are complex, because chlorine dioxide is such a powerful oxidant, so it cannot be arbitrarily added to other protocols. Don't forget to STUDY the left side-bar for links to other articles which may apply to your situation!! And definitely read the "Common Questions" article. Most of the articles on this website are not even on the left side-bar so you may want to use Google for special situations. To do this add: site:www.cancertutor.com to the beginning of your search. For example, if you want to search this website for articles that mention: herbs, put this into Google: site:www.cancertutor.com herbs You should get more than 150 hits. In some cases the term may be used in a page header that you don't see, so the real number of articles which talk about a subject may be less than Google shows. How To Tell If Your Treatment Is WorkingAt the beginning of any natural cancer treatment you should take a blood test to find out how much cancer you have.Evaluate Progress Then, every 3 months (give or take) take the same blood test again. If the score indicates you have more cancer, ADD some things to your treatment or switch to a stronger treatment!! If the score indicates you have less cancer, keep doing what you are doing. DON'T FORGET TO READ THE "COMMON QUESTIONS" ARTICLE!! Common Questions If you have read this far you deserve a medal and my email address in case you have questions: Webster Kehr and ICRF Email Address So let us get back to the politics of cancer and later on we will talk more about cancer theory and what is going on INSIDE the cancer cells. |
More About Cancer Politics and Treatments |
More About the MediaIt is hard to get people to understand that the goal of the media is not to inform, but to control. By controlling the information they control their audience and that is how the media maximizes their profits. The goal of the media is the same as that of all dictators - control the information and you control the minds of the people:
The Genius Behind Natural Medicine TreatmentsLet me start with a question. What computer program on this planet is far and away the most complex and sophisticated computer program? The answer is human DNA. In fact, after studying human DNA since 1953, scientists still have no clue what 97% of human DNA does!! Human DNA is a computer program with 3.2 billion nucleotides in base 4. It is equivalent to a 6.2 billion bit long compiled computer program, but it is incomprehensible in complexity. So who wrote the computer program known as human DNA? It was not evolution, as some well-funded and statistically challenged atheists/evolutionists would tell you, it was Mother Nature (i.e. God). In fact, much of the funding for supporting the theory of evolution comes from the owners of the pharmaceutical industry via a complex maze of shell organizations. The multi-billionaire owners of the pharmaceutical industry don't want anyone to believe that Mother Nature is smart, so they fund "scientists" who support the mathematically absurd theory of evolution!! Here is another question: does Mother Nature love Her children? Of course, the answer is yes. You see, Dr. Kelley and the newer researchers do not use chemotherapy or radiation (which do not target cancer cells), rather they use treatments designed by the ultimate genius who designed human DNA and the DNA of all plants and animals on this planet. They take advantage of the love and genius of Mother Nature. Do you think the qualifications of the genius who designed all DNA on this planet would qualify the person to design safe and effective cancer treatments that can target and kill cancer cells? Of course it does. Mother Nature loves Her children, so are you surprised that Mother Nature has carefully designed and put many natural molecules in plants which can safely target and kill cancer cells? Mother Nature's cancer treatments are called "natural cancer treatments" or "alternative cancer treatments". The medical establishment could have a 90% cure rate for cancer tomorrow if they really wanted to cure cancer, but they never want to use natural molecules because natural molecules cannot be patented and thus the treatments that Dr. Kelly used are not profitable enough for them. It was not that Dr. Kelley was smarter than anyone else, it was that he cared more about cancer patients than he cared about money.Cancer Researchers in the Past and TodayThe root cause of cancer was discovered in 1890 by William Russell (1852-1940). The brilliant Dr. Russell saw microbes both inside and outside of the cancer cells. It was obvious that the microbes inside the cancer cells were the ones causing the cancer. The cancer microbe was studied in detail in the early 1900s and was found to be highly pleomorphic. Many years later another microbiologist, Gaston Naessens, counted 16 different sizes and shapes of the cancer microbe. (see the book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, by Christopher Bird). The medical establishment in Canada was so delighted with his discovery that they had him thrown in jail!! You see, if cancer is caused by microbes that are inside the cancer cells, then it is easy to cure cancer; just kill the microbes inside the cancer cells!! But no medical establishment wants people to know that cancer can be cured. They want cancer to be a mysterious disease that will never be cured!! The size and shape of the microbe is a function of the pH inside the cancer cell. The higher the pH, the smaller the microbe. The higher the pH the more lethargic the cancer microbes become and the cancer spreads more slowly. Natural medicine practitioners take advantage of this fact and frequently use highly alkaline protocols to slow down the spread of the cancer and in many cases these treatments can cure the cancer. Also, Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist, in the 1930s, also knew that it was microbes which were inside the cancer cells which caused cancer. By knowing this he developed a gentle electromedicine device to kill these microbes. This device had a 100% cure rate and it did nothing but kill microbes inside the cancer cells. The AMA and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) were so incensed that he was curing cancer that the AMA tried to "buy him out." When he refused the FDA came in and destroyed his lab and his machines which had not already been sold and delivered. Researchers since then have found three of his original machines, which had been sold before the FDA destroyed his lab. They have made the specifications of his equipment public information.RifeVideos.com
What Causes Cancer Article How To Use the Cancer Tutor WebsiteThis website endorses many natural cancer treatments, several of which are far more powerful than what Dr. Kelley could have put together in his lifetime. These powerful treatments had to be designed because such a high percentage of the cancer patients we work with have already been "sent home to die" by orthodox medicine and they need treatments that work a lot faster than the Kelley protocol. Fortunately, with new electromedicine equipment, new supplements, new concepts, etc. some very powerful protocols have been put together. Some of these treatments are listed on the left side bar (e.g. Photon Protocol, Cellect-Budwig, Cesium Chloride, Bob Wright Protocol, etc.) and many more are listed at the bottom of this home page. It should also be mentioned that these are "protocols," meaning they include several individual treatments. Many people have tried to cure their cancer with one item, such as carrot juice. While this has worked many times, most cancer patients have already had chemotherapy or radiation, or they have a very fast-spreading type of cancer, and for these patients it can take a lot more than just carrot juice for them to survive their cancer. A "protocol" is designed by experts to include several synergistic treatments that are designed to be both redundant (i.e. multiple individual treatments do the same thing to make sure it gets done right) and synergistic. Almost all of the treatments/protocols listed on the left side-bar come with technical support from a natural medicine expert, one of which is a medical doctor. But all of the non-medical doctors have many years of experience with natural medicine. There are also articles for specific types of cancer, which provide a recommended protocol for that type of cancer. If you have a type of cancer that is not listed on the left side-bar, find the type of cancer which is closest in terms of these two issues: location of the cancer and the similarity of the type of tissue. Also look at the left side bar for articles on issues that may apply to your situation (e.g. "Dangerous Tumors" or "Weak Cancer Patients"). Health insurance policies are approved by state insurance departments. Only one state has health insurance that covers natural medicine, that we know about. This gives you an idea of how deep the money of the pharmaceutical industry goes to buy corrupt politicians. When a minor child has cancer, some states force the parents to have the child treated by orthodox medicine. If you cannot afford one of the best natural medicine treatments (which obviously are not covered by "health insurance"), there is a link to a financial product that allows a person to fund their treatment (and spend money to travel and spend more time with their family) by selling a life insurance policy for about 65% of its whole-life equivalent (see the "How to Fund Your Treatment" link if you want a no-obligation quote). For example, a cancer patient could take their whole family to Germany to be treated at a top German clinic, and when they got home they could use one of the treatments mentioned on the left side-bar. This gives the cancer patient a chance to spend a lot of time with their family. In fact, family support is critical. The mental attitude of the patient is very important to survival, and family support is a major part of that issue!! The family must get behind the treatment decision, even if they do not understand the treatment. If you still can't decide on a natural treatment, study both the Photon Protocol, the Cellect-Budwig protocol and the Cesium Chloride protocol (see the left side-bar) and select from among these three protocols. These are the three most powerful treatments that can deal with any type of cancer. All come with expert support. Also read the "Understanding Treating Cancer" article at the top of the left side-bar. This is critical to read, especially for advanced cancer patients. See also the "Inexpensive Cancer Treatments" article, especially if you live outside of the United States. This article can get you started on a treatment within hours (e.g. "honey and turmeric" can both be purchased at a health food store today and it is a cancer treatment when combined with honey), while you decide on, and order, your main treatment. Study the titles of the other articles as well to see if they apply to you (by the way, we can't afford proofreaders, and don't have time to work with our volunteers, so forgive our typos!!). If you are in an emergency situation, visit your local hospital. There are many situations where orthodox medicine really is important!How To Help The ICRF So The ICRF Can Help YouThe biggest problem cancer researchers face (who do not work for the pharmaceutical industry), is not cancer, it is manpower, meaning financial support. The media will never admit we exist, and as a result, our contributions are measured in thousands of dollars a year, not many, many millions of dollars a year. We know how to deal with the cancer. But we do not have the funds to hire the manpower to help deal with routine tasks. As a result, our research and time with cancer patients suffers because the researchers are busy doing routine tasks. For example, because of the media, many scores of millions of dollars are pumped into orthodox "research" every year. However, the total contributions to the Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF), in 2012, was less than $20,000. We cannot afford to hire a single employee even though our researchers/officers are unpaid. Most of the contributions we receive help cancer patients pay for their treatments because they cannot afford to pay for them. Because of the lack of staff in the ICRF, cancer patients literally die every year. This should be obvious, but let me explain one reason why. Many, many thousands of cancer patients have visited this website. Many of them needed to send us an email to ask key questions about their cancer, but they could not find our email address on this website. The reason that very few articles have our email address on them is because we don't have the staff to answer all of the emails this website would generate if we put our email address on the left side-bar or on the bottom box of every article. We apologize for not making our email address open information, but there is nothing we can do about it. We need to sleep. The only way to fix this is to hire staff or find more volunteers. The only cancer research organizations that are looking out for your best interests are the ICRF and the American Anti-Cancer Institute. Other natural medicine research organizations have tried to start-up, but we are not aware that any of them has ever raised enough money to become operational. The ICRF has been around for over five years and we still cannot afford to hire an employee. The media diverts all cancer research money to the orthodox cancer researchers who effectively work for the pharmaceutical industry, no matter who pays their salary. The bottom line is that we would appreciate your support, whether financial or in spreading the word. If you want to contribute to the ICRF, here is our official website:ICRF Website If you can help in other financial or non-financial ways, contact me (or if you have read this far you deserve a medal and you deserve to know my email address) at: My Email Address (Webster Kehr) A Fantastic Free MovieAs a final "big picture" note, we strongly, strongly recommend the reader buy or watch the video:Thrive - What On Earth Will It Take which goes into the conspiracy against the American people in great detail. Because the owners of the media are part of this vast, well-organized conspiracy of the ultra-wealthy (e.g. the Bilderbergers), they obviously won't expose themselves. But this highly professional video does expose it from banking to energy to cancer, etc.!!!!! The video was made by Foster Gamble, a member of the Gamble family, of "Proctor and Gamble" fame. It is a high quality movie with a good vision of the conspiracy. And it is free if you watch it online. See: The Thrive Movement (The movie is FREE online or you can download it!!) The movie is also on YouTube: Thrive Movie on YouTube The Experts in Alternative Cancer TreatmentsMany of the alternative cancer treatments, for home use, have expert telephone/Skype support available for free or for a very modest fee (usually around $250 total)!! This is critical to understand because the average person would have no clue how to put together a complete alternative cancer treatment!!! All of the support people, whether at a clinic or by telephone, are experts in alternative medicine. I cannot emphasize this enough: it is impossible for me to put on this website enough information on how to use these complex treatments in every possible situation!! Working with an expert is a very small part of the cost of the protocol, but it is absolutely required because the experts know what to look for in a specific cancer case!! There have been too many cases where someone tried to use this website to put together their own protocol. It is generally a disaster because these protocols are used in many different complex situations!! For example, suppose a person has a tumor wrapped around an artery. Using the wrong protocol could cause this tumor to swell and enlarge, even temporarily, thus cutting off the blood supply!! RULES #1, #2, and #3: WORK WITH AN EXPERT OR GO TO A CLINIC!! Rules #4, #5 and #6: Never, never, never try to treat your cancer at home by yourself, no matter what your background!! Alternative cancer treatments are highly specialized and carefully designed and every cancer case is different. Another problem cancer patients have is caused by them not doing what they are told. We understand why our protocols are the way they are, so to ignore our advice is not likely to lead to good results. Another major problem we have to deal with is money. Many people just cannot afford the most effective protocols. That is precisely why I designed the "Dirt Cheap Protocol" and several individual treatments. See the left side-bar for "Inexpensive Cancer Treatments."Introduction to (Gentle!!) Electromedicine in Alternative MedicineWhile most people have a general idea about what nutritional protocols do for cancer patients, they have no clue what "electromedicine" devices are designed to do. This is a completely new concept to most cancer patients. But do not confuse the very, very gentle electromedicine of alternative medicine with the barbaric "radiation therapy" of orthodox medicine. In many cases, when using electromedicine, the patient barely knows the device is turned on!! The exception is the Photon Genius, which is like standing or sitting in a sauna, but it does far more than an infra-red sauna!! Electromedicine devices fall into one of three categories:1) They are designed to kill microbes in the bloodstream, lymph system, etc. 2) They are designed to kill microbes which are inside the cancer cells (see the "What Causes Cancer" article) 3) They are designed to kill microbes in the bloodstream and energize organs and the immune system to deal with the "root cause" of the cancer. Electromedicine devices cannot kill cancer cells directly because they cannot differentiate between a cancer cell and a normal cell. Well, that is not entirely true because some newer protocols are being researched which use minerals to allow an electromedicine device to target cancer cells (e.g. Kanzius). But I will not talk about these devices because they are experimental and their safety is far from being adequately tested. Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist, designed his device to kill microbes which were inside of the cancer cells. That is why his device had a "carrier frequency."If you can kill all of the microbes inside the cancer cells the cancer cells will be able to restore their metabolism and will revert into normal cells. I am going to repeat that in another way: many of today's alternative cancer treatments revert cancer cells into normal cells!! That is the best way to cure cancer because there is no debris from dead cancer cells in the body. In fact, many of the newer nutritional protocols work that way also, such as the DMSO, MSM and honey protocols. More than a hundred electromedicine experts have tried to replicate Rife's technology. More than one of these "Rife Machines" has been very effective against cancer!! High RF Frequency Devices (Plasma and Pad)One research group had enough money to track down some original Rife Machines which were sold and delivered before the AMA shut Rife down back in 1939. Because of these original machines, the Rife's two methods which used either "High Frequencies" or Low Audio Frequencies" matched to a specific carrier wave, is now understood and used. Using frequency generating equipment which uses either electrodes or the plasma amplifier, Rife's original frequencies can now be used by those who want to use the method which Rife had such extraordinary success with. Using the Rife method is a complete cancer treatment, but nutritional protocols are recommended to be added for advanced cancer patients.Beware: Most of the brands of so called "Rife Machines" available on the market today are totally ineffective for cancer because they are underpowered or do not have the proper frequency range, carrier wave, etc. But a few are highly effective. On this website we will give the information you need to find a frequency generator and plasma amplifier which can output Rife's frequencies using the original methods. The company that builds this electronic test equipment does not call their equipment a "Rife Machine." Their equipment is considered electronic test equipment.The Photon Genius and Photon GenieThe "king" of electromedicine, that can be used at home or a clinic, is the Photon Genius (which is used only at home or at a clinic) and its "little brother," the Photon Genie. They are the only devices which deal directly with the root cause of cancer. Obviously they kill microbes (either directly or indirectly), but they also treat the root cause of the cancer which is likely a weak organ, such as the liver. The Photon Genius, at $25,000, is priced out of many people's budget, but every cancer patient can benefit from the Photon Genie, which is only $3,000. Both devices are synergistic with chemotherapy (they are the ONLY electromedicine devices that can be used with chemotherapy). See the "If Still on Chemo or Radiation" link on the left side-bar. Either an electrode or plasma high RF frequency generating device is synergistic with either or both of the Photon devices. The difference between the plasma or electrode frequency generator and the Photon Genius and Photon Genie is that the electrode or plasma devices are designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells (by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells) and kill other microbes in the body. The Photon devices are also designed to rid the body of microbes, but they also do many things to fix weak organs, the immune system, etc. The Photon devices are required when the patient has dangerous tumors because they get rid of the root cause of the tumors so that they will go away and not come back. While many protocols can shrink tumors, few can actually keep them from coming back. When people can only afford one of the electrode or plasma devices or one of the Photon devices, the rule of thumb is this: if the main danger of the cancer is one or more tumors, buy a Photon device (even the Photon Genie). If the main danger of the cancer is the cancer cells (and the tumors, if any, are not considered life threatening), buy an electrode or plasma high RF frequency generating device. If you can afford both, buy both!The Bob Beck ProtocolAnother "electromedicine" protocol is the Bob Beck protocol. The Bob Beck machines were designed to kill the microbes in the bloodstream, lymph system and elsewhere in the body (but not inside the cancer cells). By doing this the immune system is supercharged and the immune system is able to safely kill the cancer cells. The history of the Bob Beck devices is quite interesting. Bob Beck, a PhD in physics, heard about, and sought to recreate, a totally suppressed cure for AIDS which had been accidentally discovered by two medical doctors, Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lyman, at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Beck was able to create a new cure for AIDS using their discovery!! However, possibly by accident, he found out that when you totally eliminate all microbes from the body that the immune system is supercharged enough to cure cancer!! This is the Bob Beck Protocol. The Bob Beck Protocol is an excellent cancer treatment but may take 2 or 3 months to become highly effective because it takes time to safely and completely rid the body of microbes and then it takes more time for the immune system to supercharge itself sans microbes. In addition, people who have had a lot of chemotherapy may have an abnormally suppressed immune system due to damage to the lining of their stomach and/or colon. But for the money, it is a superb treatment. The combination of the Rife and Beck devices is the heart of the Plasma-Beck Protocol linked to on the left side-bar. The combination of the Rife and Beck theories are at the heart of the Rife-Beck Protocol, also linked to on the left side-bar. This latter protocol uses a High RF Frequency Generator and linear 10-watt amplifier to act as both a Rife and a Beck protocol. Because the Beck devices are so inexpensive, they are used in several protocols. The Beck device is slow to become effective, therefore an entire major protocol may be used to "buy time" until the Beck Protocol can supercharge the immune system (e.g. the "Ultimate Simple Protocol" is an example of this tactic). The Cellect-Budwig protocol is one of the super-protocols (see the "Understanding Treating Cancer" article linked to on the left side-bar) and includes a High RF Frequency Generator for those patients who can afford it. The Cellect-Budwig and plasma frequency generating method have been shown to be very synergistic. "Synergy" is actually a very good word to get used to. By combining several highly effective alternative cancer treatments together, a great deal of synergy can be achieved!! The "Complete Protocols" section of the left side-bar contains links to several "protocols" (e.g. the Plasma-Beck protocol) which usually, but not always, include several individual cancer treatments which are highly effective by themselves but are collectively even more effective!!" Many times people use the first cancer treatment they find on the Internet (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, laetrile, carrot juice, etc.). However, it is far, far better to combine several treatments together, especially when the protocol is designed to contain synergistic treatments which have individually cured cancer in some cases. For example, the "Dirt Cheap Protocol," which was designed for people who do not have the money for the more expensive protocols, includes six cancer treatments which have individually cured some cases of cancer!! It includes other treatments as well. The reader would not believe how poor many people are after orthodox medicine gets done with them. Over the years I have had to adjust to this reality, such as by finding or designing "dirt cheap" individual treatments or protocols for cancer. Getting back to the Bob Beck devices, someone with an electrical background can actually build his equipment at home. Schematics are available on this website and his videos on YouTube describe how to make them (see the Bob Beck videos at Granada and Ventura, etc.). The downside of this is that no technical support is available when you build your own devices. But for those in foreign countries, where they may not be able to afford or import the Beck equipment, the ability to build it at home is a gift from heaven!! Also, many people cannot afford the roughly $1,000 for the pre-made equipment, but hopefully they know someone who can build three of the four devices (which includes the main device - the blood purifier). His devices can also be purchased pre-made online (e.g. Sota Instruments) which may come with technical support. However, vendors have to be careful what they say about their equipment because of the FDA or their Canadian equivalent. They are watching, like vultures, for the vendors to make "medical claims" about their highly effective (but "unproven") cancer treatments so they can shut them down. Because of this persecution cancer patients will not be able to tell which protocols are highly effective and which are not. That is precisely what the FDA and other corrupt organizations want!! Because of this corruption, many patients will use ineffective treatments and may die. This lowers the image of alternative medicine, which is what the FDA wants. The job of the FDA is to sell drugs, not save lives. For all practical purposes, the FDA even has their own judges and courts to make sure they never lose. The constitutional protection of "due process" has been urinated on and burned out of the Constitution, as have many other parts of the Constitution. The Constitution cuts into profits and must be ignored. The reader should very, very, very careful to remember that all vendors of highly effective cancer treatment products are not allowed to make medical claims about their device or product, even if their claims have been proven over and over again!!! I have heard of many cancer patients becoming frustrated because the vendor they were talking to could not tell them the whole truth about their product or would not answer their questions!! Sometimes the corruption becomes ridiculous. For example, in Canada the Sota Instruments company is not allowed to call their Bob Beck blood purifier a "blood purifier," they must call it a "silver pulser." Likewise, vendors of "Rife Machines" frequently will not use the term "Rife Machine," but will call it a "frequency generator."Combining Electromedicine With Nutritional Protocols (Five Examples)As a cancer researcher since 2002, I find myself, more and more, recommending to someone to combine an electromedicine protocol (e.g. the Rife or Beck protocols) with the best of the nutritional protocols (e.g. the Cellect-Budwig, Bill Henderson or other protocols). Most electromedicine protocols can be combined with most nutritional protocols to make a synergistic combination!! In this section I will provide five examples of combining electromedicine with nutritional protocols. First, there was a time when the Cellect-Budwig was the most potent home cancer treatment I knew about. Now, with the development of the High RF Frequency Generator using the plasma amplifier, the combination of the Cellect-Budwig and plasma method is the most potent home treatment for cancer I know about (and I know about hundreds of alternative cancer treatments). Only the Cesium Chloride protocol can compete with the Cellect-Budwig. Now the Cellect-Budwig with optional Rife Plasma method (the "High RF Frequency Generator Protocol") and/or optional Photon Genius (the "Photon Protocol") is the most powerful treatment!! What is next!!?? Mike Vrentas, who supports the Cellect-Budwig protocol, is actually the person who designed this combination and he supports the protocol for about $235, which includes 5 hours of audio CDs and a two hour personal consultation via Skype or telephone. The High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Amplifier costs around $4,800 (www.FrequencyStore.com) so many cancer patients cannot afford this device. But remember the Cellect-Budwig protocol is a superb protocol by itself even if you cannot afford the electromedicine part. Second, the Plasma-Beck Protocol, which I designed in 2011, combines both the Rife and Beck technologies along with some superb supplements. It is very similar to combining the high RF Frequency Generator with plasma amplifier with the Cellect-Budwig, but it does not use the Cellect or Budwig, but instead adds the Bob Beck Protocol (Plasma) and uses a different set of supplements. Third, an unpublished combination is the combination of the Bill Henderson Protocol with the Bob Beck Protocol. The Henderson protocol starts working very quickly and includes some powerful immune builders, but for the long range I believe this protocol would be more effective if the Bob Beck Protocol were added to keep microbes out of the bloodstream. The Henderson protocol is by far the least expensive of the highly potent protocols, so if a friend could be found to build the Beck equipment, this would be a dirt cheap, highly effective protocol!! Fourth, the Rife-Beck Protocol, which I designed in 2011. This uses a High RF Frequency Generator with 10-watt linear amplifier (the "little brother" of the Plasma Amplfier) as both a Rife device and a Beck device! It uses Limu Juice, the High RF Frequency Generator /10-watt linier amplifier and other products as both cancer treatments and to "buy time" for the Beck protocol to become fully effective. Fifth, is the Ultimate Simple Protocol (USP), which I designed in June, 2011. This protocol uses the Bob Beck Protocol as the main cancer treatment. It uses Limu Juice, Aloe Arborescens and other products as both treatments and to "buy time" for the Bob Beck Protocol to become effective enough to supercharge the immune system.Exceptions to the RulesIt is not always good or even necessary to combine an electromedicine protocol with a nutritional or mineral protocol. For example, some electromedicine devices should not be combined with the Cesium Chloride protocol because the electromedicine will neutralize the way the cesium chloride works. But even so, the Cesium Chloride protocol is one of the top protocols. Larry of Essense of Life (the spelling is literal) can tell you which electromedicine devices can be used with his protocol. Also, if a person is newly diagnosed with cancer, and has not had any orthodox cancer treatments, and has a slow growing cancer in a non-dangerous location; it may not be necessary to include an electromedicine protocol. The Bill Henderson Protocol, the Ultimate Simple Protocol, the Cellect-Budwig protocol (sans the High RF Frequency Generator) and other nutritional protocols may be all they need!! However, all cancer patients should eventually use the Bob Beck protocol for a good long time (see "Preventing Cancer From Coming Back" article to understand why). There are many rules and exceptions which is why working with an expert will help you avoid mistakes with are obvious to the experts.Combining Chemotherapy and Natural MedicineI have a special, and very important, article on this subject. On the left side-bar click the link: "If Still on Chemo or Radiation."Critical Concepts When Treating CancerIt should also be understood that treating newly diagnosed cancer patients versus treating advanced cancer patients (e.g. someone sent home to die) is like the difference between putting out a fire in the kitchen versus putting out a fire which has already engulfed 5 rooms. Furthermore, it should be understood that not all alternative cancer treatments are equally effective!! Some alternative cancer treatments can be compared to a "garden hose" and others can be compared to a "fire hose." The cancer patient must choose an alternative cancer treatment that is strong enough for their situation and they must work with an expert in that treatment to teach them what they need to know to use it! The choice of an expert is as important as the treatment itself! Many cancer patients have emailed me (note: I do not broadcast my email address because my time is severely restricted) and described their cancer treatment. Many times I have seen nothing but a long list of garden hoses!! They do not understand!! To have a good chance of survival they generally need four things:1) At least one or two fire hoses (the fire hoses usually have expert support available), 2) Expert telephone support or support at a clinic which specializes in alternative cancer treatments, 3) Several garden hoses (which may be built into the overall treatment to "buy time," relieve pain, etc.) and 4) A positive mental attitude with family support. Memorize that list!!!! The eleven treatments listed above are among the fire hoses!! Most of the "fire hoses" typically have an expert who supports that treatment. For example, the Cellect-Budwig protocol is supported by Mike Vrentas. The Bill Henderson protocol is supported by Bill Henderson. The LifeOne protocol is supported by the Natural Healing Center, and so on. Let me give you an example of why it is important to identify the highly potent alternative cancer treatments and an expert. Suppose you see a testimonial on the Internet about how carrot juice cured a newly diagnosed cancer patient. You can assume the testimonial is true, but does that mean an advanced cancer patient can be cured with the same protocol? The answer may be a resounding 'NO'. The patient who was cured may have been someone with a slow growing cancer and who had never had chemotherapy. Every case is different, which is why you need to work with an expert. It is critical to understand that by the time a person has had extensive orthodox cancer treatments the number of viable options to treat their cancer has dwindled from several hundred (when they were first diagnosed) to perhaps two dozen (when they complete their orthodox treatments)!!! Another critical aspect of treating cancer is the cancer patient's attitude!! This is as important as the treatment itself!! Some alternative cancer treatment clinics in Germany give advanced cancer patients art lessons!! That is how important a positive mental attitude is to creating a strong "will to survive." I worked on one cancer case where the patient should have been dead two years before I started to work with her!! She was alive only because she had two small children and she refused to die (and she did a lot of praying)!! Cancer patients must be distracted away from their condition and be encouraged to move forward as if they knew they were going to survive. Negative attitudes are not an option!! Cancer patients must be continuously reminded that they have loved ones who want them to survive! About Clinics That Use Alternative Cancer TreatmentsSome cancer patients, or their families, want the patient to be treated at a clinic where a medical doctor or naturopath can actually work with the patient face-to-face. In fact, there are many, many alternative cancer clinics around the world. For example, dozens of American medical doctors have switched from orthodox medicine to alternative medicine and started a clinic in the United States, Mexico, Central America or South America. They may leave the United States so they can have less fear of persecution. Most states do not allow any kind of alternative cancer treatment clinic, but several do. I suspect that Nevada has the most. While going to a clinic is a good idea, do not assume that all clinic treatments are better than all home treatments!! Several home treatments are more effective than many of the clinic treatments because some of the clinics do not keep up with technology as well as the full time researchers. Plus, the clinics may be slower to update their technologies. But to be honest, some of the best protocols and cancer experts are at clinics. But it is very, very important for a person to understand that a cancer patient is not "cured" until their immune system is back to normal. Chemotherapy and radiation are very, very damaging to a person's immune system!! A clinic can only focus on treating cancer cells because it is impossible to rebuild the immune system in three weeks (which is how long a typical clinic treatment lasts). Thus, a person who goes to a clinic with a damaged immune system will still have a damaged immune system when they get back home!! The only thing that will completely restore a cancer patient to health is a long-term home treatment because it takes many months or several years to totally rebuild someone's immune system. To understand this consider that everyone, even former cancer patients, get new cancer cells forming in their body all the time. If the immune system is not able to keep up with the new cancer cells, the cancer will come back (this is called "regression"). Thus, when a person is done with their clinic treatment they will need a home treatment anyway because no clinic can rebuild the immune system in three weeks!! Most clinics provide a "home treatment" when they have completed their treatment, but I can assure you (based on case studies) that the top home treatments on this website are far stronger than the treatments provided by the clinics. I do not mean to downplay clinics, however. They can provide a giant boost to the survival chances of a patient, but just be aware than when the clinic treatment is completed, you will still need to pick a potent home treatment from this website or another top website when you get home. Also, watch your budget. If you come home from a clinic "dead broke," you will not be able to afford the best of the long-term home treatments. There are some excellent alternative clinics in Germany, Mexico and the United States (and many other countries) and there are some bad clinics in all of these countries. You have to do your homework!! In 2011, someone brought to my attention that a financial product has been developed to help "terminal" cancer patients afford to enjoy, with their families, the last days of their life. However, this product can also help a cancer patient afford the best alternative medicine clinics and/or the best home treatments!! This financial product does NOT involve a loan!! See the left side bar article: "How to Fund Your Treatment" for more information. To see a special article on alternative medicine clinics, see the left side-bar: "Alternative Cancer Clinics."What to Do Next!! [Step-By-Step]Step 1: Look on the left side-bar to see if your type of cancer is listed. If your type of cancer is listed, the article will give you some ideas about what needs to be done and which alternative cancer treatments may help. Step 2: Read the article: ""Understanding Treating Cancer with Alternative Medicine" article" (see the left side-bar). This will give you more ideas about the various alternative cancer treatments available to help you. Step 3: Read the article on "Special Situations" linked to on the left side-bar. This article is more up-to-date than the eBook and has a lot of information about which special treatments you may need to add to the main treatment. Step 4: Read the cancer treatment articles on the cancer treatments (e.g. Bill Henderson) you think may help your situation (see the left side-bar in most cases, but some of the treatments may only be listed on this page). These articles will give you a clue as to how strong these treatments are (each treatment is "rated" in the article). Step 5a: (If you pick a home treatment) Once you pick your main treatment(s) for your situation and your budget, then track down the expert who supports the primary protocol and discuss with the expert whether he or she agrees with you!! The expert can guide you in what can and cannot be added to the primary protocol. Their fees, if they work with you, are frequently between free and $250!! Step 5b: (If you want to go to a clinic) See the article on clinics linked to on the left side bar. Because there are so many clinics that I do not know about, it is recommended you set up a consultation with Frank Cousineau to ask him which clinics may be best for your situation. There are also inexpensive eBooks on some of the best clinics in Germany, Mexico and the U.S. (though certainly not all good clinics are mentioned in these books). The next section has links to a number of very critical articles and free eBooks on treating cancer with alternative cancer treatments. Spend a lot of time reading the articles! R. Webster KehrIndependent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Home Page in French Home Page in Russian |
Some of the FREE eBooks and Articles on this Website |
Some of the Free eBooks and Articles on this WebsiteFree EBook: The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers [Must Read]A free eBook has been written for advanced cancer patients. This eBook should NOT replace working with an expert, but will help give the patient a clear understanding of what is going on during the treatment (Outdated)!!The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers Free EBook: Treatments For Strong Stage III and Below Cancer PatientsFor those cancer patients who have not had massive amounts of orthodox cancer treatments AND do not have a very dangerous type of cancer, this article has been written to teach them how to cure their cancer (Outdated):Treatment For Strong Stage III and Below Cancer Patients (English) Treatment For Strong Stage III and Below Cancer Patients (Russian) An Overview of the Best Alternative Cancer Treatments [Must Read]This article is typically more up-to-date than the free eBook. This is a REQUIRED article!!An Overview of the Best Alternative Cancer Treatments Special Situations Cancer Patients Face [Must Read]This is another article which is generally more up-to-date than the eBook. This is one of the most important articles on this website!!! This article details many different special situations cancer patients face (e.g. cachexia, damage by chemotherapy, etc.) and how to deal with these issues with alternative medicine:Special Situations Cancer Patients Face Are Alternative Cancer Treatments For Real?For those new to alternative cancer treatments, who need to know why alternative cancer treatments are far more effective than orthodox cancer treatments, read this article:Are Alternative Cancer Treatments For Real? Choosing Between Home or Clinic TreatmentsFor those who have the money to start their alternative cancer treatment at a clinic specializing in alternative cancer treatments, this article will jump-start your search to find the right clinic for your situation:Choosing Between Home or Clinic Treatments List of Many Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinics For Those in HospiceThis article is for very advanced cancer patients and discusses which of the four home treatments is best suited for their situation. It also discusses how to fund these treatments and other issues:Comments for Hospice Patients The Cancer Tutor Rating System of Cancer TreatmentsNot all alternative cancer treatments are equally effective. In fact, only a very small percentage of all of the alternative cancer treatments are potent enough to help advanced cancer patients. For this reason the Cancer Tutor website "rates" the strength of cancer treatments.The Cancer Tutor Rating System of Cancer Treatments The "Cancer Diet"The "cancer diet" is a list of the foods a cancer patient should and should not eat. Without a solid cancer diet all alternative cancer treatments are virtually a waste of time because the patient will be feeding their cancer cells at the same time they are trying to cure their cancer. Here is the key article:The Cancer Diet (English) The Cancer Diet (Russian) Treatments For Those Who Cannot Eat Whole FoodsMany cancer patients cannot eat whole foods. Here is the article for cancer patients who cannot eat or have problems digesting foods:Treatments For Those Who Cannot Eat Inexpensive (yet potent) Cancer TreatmentsBecause health insurance companies generally do not pay for alternative medicines or alternative cancer clinics, and because most cancer patients who start with orthodox cancer treatments are dead broke from paying their co-pay, many cancer patients need alternative cancer treatments which are virtually free. See this article:Inexpensive (yet potent) Cancer Treatments Three Free eBooks on the Politics of CancerThese books are not for the faint-hearted. They pull no punches in explaining the corruption in Congress, the Food and Drug Administration, the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, etc. It is all about money. There is some redundancy in these books because they were written independently:Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments [Cancer Politics] The War In Medicine [Cancer Politics] 14 Questions and Answers About Cancer That Could Save Your Life Legal Statement: Because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Medical Association (AMA), Congress, ad nauseum, are only concerned with the profits of the pharmaceutical industry and their own personal profits (and similar government agencies and organizations exist in all countries); these organizations will never give any cancer treatment from Mother Nature a fair and unbiased evaluation; and because Congress has allowed the FDA to rig their regulations to make it impossible for any cancer treatment from Mother Nature to be "approved"; the cancer treatment information on this website is presented sub rosa, meaning with patient permission. Posted: November 24, 2011 |
Type of Cancer Articles |
Individual Stage IV Treatment Articles |
Individual "Stage IV" Treatments (Advanced Cancer Patients)As mentioned above, this website does not rate cancer patients the same way orthodox medicine rates them. The focus on this rating system is to synchronize the rating of a "Stage IV" cancer patient with a "Stage IV" cancer treatment. By definition on this website, a "Stage IV" cancer patient includes, but is not limited to:1) Advanced cancer patients, meaning those whose cancer has spread throughout their body (e.g. the cancer has spread to the bones, lungs, liver, pancreas or brain), or 2) Cancer patients with fast growing cancers or fast growing tumors, or 3) Cancer patients with high fatality cancers (e.g. lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, etc.), or 4) Any type of bone cancer, or 5) A person has had extensive chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, or 6) Any swelling or inflammation of a tumor could cause a blockage of key fluids, or 7) A person has an estimated one year to live or less, or 8) Any other situation where orthodox medicine rates it as Stage IV. For those who do not fit into any of these categories, there is also an article on this website for them. The next major section of this page deals with the "Stage III" cancer patients (and below). A "Stage IV" cancer should only be treated with the most potent of the alternative cancer treatments. These patients are in a very dangerous situation and time is critical, thus their treatment should be among the strongest. Again by definition, a "Stage IV" cancer should be treated with a "Stage IV" treatment. The key to a "Stage IV" treatment is that it does not depend on the immune system. Some very well known alternative cancer treatments work by "building" the immune system. Advanced cancer patients don't have the time to wait for their immune system (which has generally been destroyed by orthodox medicine) to be built up. There is a very important difference between alternative cancer treatments and orthodox cancer treatments. Orthodox cancer treatments must be "paced" because of all the HEALTHY CELLS that chemotherapy and radiation damage and kill. On the other hand, the "Stage IV" alternative cancer treatments, because they target cancer cells and/or do no harm to healthy cells, can be given in much higher doses than chemotherapy and must be "paced" because of all the debris caused by DEAD CANCER CELLS. Here is the current list of "Stage IV" treatments are the following (in alphabetical order): 1) Bill Henderson Protocol (*/**), 2) Brandt Grape Cure using red, purple or black grapes (*/++), 3) Cellect-Budwig Protocol (*/**), 4) Cesium Chloride and DMSO (*/**), 5) DPT - DMSO Potentiation Therapy (*/***) ? used only with IPT, 6) Frequency Generators (Supplemental Stage IV) (*/++), 7) Hydrazine Sulfate (*) ? for Cachexia patients only, 8) IPT - Insulin Potentiation Therapy (*/***), 9) IVC - Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy (*/***), 10) LifeOne Protocol (*/**), 11) Ozone infusion bottle (*/***), 12) Ozone liquid I.V. (*/***), 13) Photon Genius with Consultation (**), 14) Ozone RHP (i.e. Ozone gas I.V.) (*/**), 15) Tony Isaacs Oleander Protocol (pill form) (*) Codes: * - These are treatments for which there is an article linked to below, ** - These are treatments for which there is expert telephone support from the vendor, ++ - Technical support comes from Cancer Tutor, *** - These are treatments that are generally given only at clinics Note: A chapter in the "Treatment For Stage IV Cancer Patients" eBook has short discussions of each of these treatments which can be done at home, and the pros and cons of each treatment. This free eBook also has a chapter which links to "type of cancer" articles (e.g. bone cancer, breast cancer, etc.). It is critical that you read the free eBook and especially "The Stage IV Treatments" chapter and "Type of Cancer" chapters!! Treatment For Stage IV Cancer Patients [free eBook] A "protocol" is defined to be a complete cancer treatment. The key part of a protocol is the treatment that kills cancer cells or reverts cancer cells into normal cells. But a protocol will also include things to build the immune system (building the immune system is a long term issue for advanced cancer patients, not a short term issue), alkalize the body, protect the vital organs, etc. In order for a cancer treatment to be rated as a "Stage IV" treatment, and get on the above list, it must meet the following criteria: 1) The core treatment must be so potent at killing cancer cells it must be "paced" (though some treatment do not kill cancer cells, rather they revert cancer cells into normal cells)," 2) If a vendor is the source of the product(s), the vendor must have a complete protocol for the patient so the patient does not have to put together their own protocol (clinics obviously have this), 3) If a vendor is the source of the product(s), the vendor must have telephone support at least during normal business hours. The "Stage IV" treatments SHOULD RARELY BE COMBINED, except in a clinical setting. The exception to this is electromedicine, which generally can be used at any time. Combining treatments can be dangerous because the dosages for these treatments are established based on the ability of the body to rid itself of dead cancer cells. By combining the above treatments at home, the number of dead cancer cells could be far too high. There are a few exceptions to this general rule. While clearly there is an advantage to a cancer patient going to a clinic to be treated, and that option should not be discounted, there are also situations where there is an advantage to being assisted by an expert over the telephone. When the telephone is being used, the patient generally does not have to travel and can be close to relatives at all times, which will increase their desire to survive (the mental state of an advanced cancer patient is critical). The "Stage IV" treatments mentioned above include at least one critical substance in their protocols which are highly potent at killing cancer cells (there are exceptions). Generally, the entire protocol is named after this substance. The killing of cancer cells is so important, this "core" of the protocol is given special attention. If you are working with a vendor or with a clinic, some alternative cancer treatments (which are not "Stage IV" treatments) can be added to their treatment which accomplish various tasks. However, do not add any alternative cancer treatment to their protocol that kills cancer cells without your vendor's prior approval. The dosages established by the vendors are set for a specific "kill rate," and this rate should not be tampered with. Before going on, it is important to clarify the issue of tumors. Many advanced cancer patients are petrified of their tumor. This knee-jerk reaction is caused by orthodox medicine's focus on the highly profitable (and generally worthless) process of shrinking tumors. For those people who are concerned about tumors, it is strongly recommended you read this article: Article on Shrinking Tumors Stage IV Supplemental TreatmentsWhile all of the Stage IV alternative cancer treatments are complete protocols, it is critical to understand that cancer is relentless and should never be taken lightly. Several superb alternative cancer treatments can be combined with any of the Stage IV protocols (with rare exceptions) to supercharge the Stage IV protocol. For example, some Stage IV treatments quickly get rid of the cancer, but cancer patients who go into remission using these protocols are at risk to go into "regression," meaning their cancer may return. For this reason, it is CRITICAL that anyone on a Stage IV protocol strongly consider adding one or more of the "Stage IV Supplemental" protocols to their treatment. They are listed below.Links to Key ArticlesClick: Free eBook For Using Stage IV Cancer Treatments [English]Click: Free eBook For Using Stage IV Cancer Treatments [Russian] |
# | Stage IV Cancer Treatments |
Except for Hydrazine Sulfate, the Stage IV treatments in THIS section should NOT be combined with other Stage IV treatments without the approval of an expert!! There are exceptions as noted in the treatment articles. | |
Stage IV Treatments Generally Done At Home | |
1a | Cellect-Budwig Protocol [Stage IV treatment] |
1b | Cellect-Budwig Protocol [Complete Treatment] |
2 | LifeOne Protocol [Stage IV treatment] |
3 | Cesium Chloride / DMSO Protocol / Alkaline / Alkalinity / pH [Stage IV treatment] |
4 | Bill Henderson Protocol [Stage IV treatment] |
5 | Tony Isaacs Oleander Protocol [Stage IV treatment] |
5-RU | Oleander (pill form) [Stage IV treatment] [Russian] |
6 | Rife-Beck Protocol [new treatment in April, 2011] |
7 | Plasma-Beck Protocol [new treatment in April, 2011] |
8 | Johanna Brandt Grape Cure (using black, purple or red grapes) [Stage IV treatment] |
8-RU | Johanna Brandt Grape Cure (using black, purple or red grapes) [Stage IV] (in Russian) |
9 | Ozone RHP Treatment [Stage IV treatment] |
10 | Hydrazine Sulphate (The Cachexia Treatment Plan) [Stage IV treatment] [This treatment is generally not used by itself, but is an adjunct with other treatments for cachexia patients. There are some POTENTIALLY SEVERE INTERACTIONS WITH DRUGS OR FOODS for those who use this product!!] |
Stage IV Supplemental Treatments (Supercharge Your Stage IV Protocol!!) | |
1 | Frequency Generators (aka "Rife Machines") [Stage IV Supplemental treatment] |
2 | Aloe Arborescens Protocol [Stage IV Supplemental treatment] |
Stage IV Treatments Generally Done At A Clinic | |
1 | IPT - Insulin Potentiation Therapy (A Magic Bullet) [Stage IV treatment] |
2 | DPT - DMSO Potentiation Therapy (A Magic Bullet) [Stage IV Treatment] [English] |
2-FR | DPT - DMSO Potentiation Therapy (A Magic Bullet) [Stage IV Treatment] [French] |
3 | IVC - High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C [Stage IV Treatment] |
4 | Ozone Cancer Treatments [Stage IV Treatments][Ozone liquid I.V. and Ozone infusion bottle] |
5 | Gerson - Dr. Max Gerson Therapy |
Treatments Which are Safe, But Are Still Being Researched | |
1 | The Overnight Cure For Cancer (OCC) [The OCC is a Chlorine Dioxide, DMSO and MSM treatment still being researched, but it is ready for use. It is totally safe, and takes only two to five days to use. It is designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells!] |
2 | DMSO - Chlorine Dioxide [This treatment is a long-term version of the Overnight Cure For Cancer. It is designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells.] |
3 | DMSO - Vitamin C [This treatment is a long-term treatment designed to cure cancer by getting Vitamin C inside of cancer cells.] |
4 | DMSO - Colloidal Silver [This treatment is a long-term treatment designed to safely and easily revert cancer cells into normal cells.] |
5 | Near Ultraviolet Light Therapy [This treatment uses ultraviolet light to cure cancer. The treatment is only available at clinics, but under some circumstances it can be used at home.] |
6 | Wheatgrass / Ultraviolet Light Therapy [This treatment uses ultraviolet light to vibrate chlorophyll to revert cancer cells into normal cells. This treatment is designed to supercharge the wheatgrass treatment.] |
Individual Strong Stage III Treatments |
Individual "Strong Stage III" Treatments
Note: If you did not study which cancer patients are rated "advanced" or "Stage IV" see the blue box above this box for the exact definitions. Some "newly diagnosed" cancer patients are actually "Stage IV"!!! The "Strong Stage III" treatments are the next layer of potency among alternative cancer treatments. They are either not quite strong enough to be considered a "Stage IV" treatment or there is no telephone or clinic support for these treatments. These treatments are generally far easier to work with because they do not kill cancer cells fast enough to create a lot of swelling or inflammation, though there are exceptions. Here is the current list of "Strong Stage III" treatments (in alphabetical order): 1) Amazon Factor Protocol (skin cancer only), [link to vendor below] |
Individual Stage I, II and III Treatment Articles |
Individual "Stage I, II and III" TreatmentsThe articles below are about individual cancer treatments. Only one of them (the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment) should be used by itself. All of the other plans, even the well-known treatment plans like laetrile, should be combined with other treatment plans AND a special cancer diet. When cancer patients put together their own alternative cancer treatment they typically visit dozens of different alternative cancer treatment websites, and get dozens of different opinions about different treatment plans. This is a good thing, but it sometimes leads to a person putting together a treatment plan that is far too weak for their situation!! Because of this real possibility I have put together a key summary article that will help you evaluate or design your complete treatment plan. With your own plan in hand, you can go down the checklists of this article and evaluate how powerful your plan will be. This is a MUST READ article for your initial treatment plan AND for any time you make changes in your plan!!Click: Article For Using Stage I, II, and III Cancer Treatments [English]Click: Article For Using Stage I, II, and III Cancer Treatments [Russian] |
Critical Articles |
Other Key Articles |
Other Key ArticlesWhile the treatment articles mentioned above are the most important articles on this website, there are many other important articles on this website which deal with specific issues or key concepts.Treatments Which Can Be Started ImmediatelyFor a variety of reasons, such as living outside of the United States or trying to obtain a product which is in short supply, it is critical to start a treatment quickly. Two treatments may be able to be started today!! Treatment #1) The Brandt Grape Cure is a superb Stage IV treatment. For those who cannot get adequate grapes, this diet can be modified by substituting carrot juice and beet juice for the grapes. Once other treatments are ready for implementation that Brandt Grape Cure can be used as the "cancer diet." These treatments are at:The Brandt Grape Cure Diet (in English) The Brandt Grape Cure Diet (in Russian) and Using a Vegetable Juice (English) Using a Vegetable Juice (Russian) Treatment #2) The Budwig Diet is also a superb treatment which can be started immediately. It consists primarily of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil, both of which can be purchased at most health food stores. See this article: The Budwig Diet A Warning For Women of Child-Bearing AgeWarning: if you are pregnant, might be pregnant or might become pregnant, is it absolutely critical you read this article!!! Even though I only discuss natural treatments, some natural products can cause birth defects due to the similarity between cancer cells and some fetal cells.Warning For Pregnant Women Who Have Cancer Also see this article: General Article for Pregnant Women |
Holistic and Alternative Cancer Clinics |
Endorsed Cancer ClinicsMany cancer patients want to be treated by a medical professional or perhaps the family members insist the patient be treated by medical professionals. I endorse several clinics that use superb treatments and are operated by people with a long history of treating cancer patients. They use a variety of different protocols. It is interesting that "health" insurance companies (i.e. they should be called "prescription drug" insurance companies) will gladly pay $500,000 for a cancer patient to use worthless orthodox treatments, but insurance companies will not pay $3,000 to $30,000 for an alternative cancer treatment which is 33 times more effective!! But you should understand that many of the most expensive cancer clinics, especially in Mexico, do not provide good treatments. For example, if they focus on their ability to shrink tumors, I would stay away from them. The good news is that at least one of the clinics in Mexico provides world-class treatments. But the premiere cancer clinics are in Europe or the United States. Here is a web page that has links, directly or indirectly, to many alternative clinics around the world.Cancer Clinics |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Quotes About Cancer |
Quotes of Nobel Prize Winners About Cancer
Other Cancer Quotes
http://www.whale.to/cancer/quotes.html http://www.whale.to/m/quotes6.html |
Links To Other Cancer Websites |
Site | Cancer Theory and Treatments |
Consumer Health | Superb article on relationship of fungus, yeast and moulds to cancer |
Your Health Matters | Superb article on relationship of fungus to cancer |
Rainbow Minerals | Summary Article: How You Rust and Rot |
Biomedx | Superb Short Book: How You Rust and Rot |
Cancer Discovery | Superb website with articles on DNA and cancer |
David W. Gregg, PhD | Superb article on what causes cancer, etc, (sans microbe theory) |
Alt Health Australia | CRITICAL information on Sugar and Cancer [MUST READ] |
Minnesota Wellness | CRITICAL information on trans fatty acids [MUST READ] |
Cherie's Road To Health | An Up and Coming Website - Good Case Studies |
What Are We Swallowing? | Mirror of Chemotherapy Article - The "full story here" link WORKS!! |
Live Longer | Anti-chemotherapy article ('pdf' - Adobe Acrobat) |
Drug Dangers | Website About Dangerous Drugs and Medical Devices |
Site | Multiple Cancer Treatments Discussed |
Healing Cancer Naturally | Multiple Treatments - A Superb Website With Lots of Information |
Alternative Cancer Care | Multiple Treatments - Links to the Best Alternative Cancer Websites!! |
Outsmart Your Cancer | Multiple Treatments - Online book - Several of the most potent treatments |
Fighting Cancer | Multiple Treatments - Online book - Book covers alternative cancer treatments |
Morton Walker | Multiple Treatments - Natural Cancer Remedies That Work |
Natural Cancer Treatments | Multiple Treatments - Online book - Over 350 natural cancer treatments discussed |
Minnesota Wellness | Multiple Treatments - One of the Best Sites |
StopCancer | Multiple Treatments - Superb Site !!! |
Walter Last | Multiple Treatments - Walter is a magnificent resource !! |
CanCure | Multiple Treatments - Up to date info on politics, hospitals, etc. |
CureZone | Multiple Treatments - Over 140 treatments |
Alternative Doctor | Multiple Treatments - Medical Doctor - SUPERB overall site!! |
Life Extension Foundation | Multiple Treatments - Fabulous Organization, fabulous articles |
Cancer-Treatments | Multiple Treatments - Superb Site !!! |
Hope For Cancer | Multiple Treatments - Superb Site, especially for lung cancer |
Whale | Multiple Treatments - Superb Site !!! |
Sea Silver | Multiple Treatments - Superb Information !!! |
McAlvany | Multiple Treatments - Excellent site with references and clinics |
Cancer Success | Multiple Treatments - Excellent Site of Former Cancer Patient |
Annie Appleseed | Multiple Treatments - Some really good articles are on this site |
NFAM | Multiple Treatments - Excellent Site |
Health World | Multiple Treatments - Excellent Site |
Say No To Drugs | Multiple Treatments - Excellent Information |
Cure Zone | Multiple Treatments - Lots of References |
Cancer Action | Multiple Treatments - Comments on Several Kinds of Cancers |
Dr. Clarkia | Multiple Treatments - Some Good Articles |
Leaf Lady | Multiple Treatments - Natural Healing Treatments |
Cancer Magic | Multiple Treatments - Lot of good links |
Cancer Therapy | Multiple Treatments - Four Different Approaches to Killing Cancer |
Site | Other Cancer Websites |
Reality Zone | General Cancer Info - Most of the Major Cancer Books !!! |
Nevada Group | General Cancer Info - List of Clinics |
Jerry Hoover, N.D. | General Cancer Info - Natural Cancer Treatment |
Alt Cancer | General Cancer Info - General Information |
Alkalize For Health | General Cancer Info - Many Links and Useful Info |
Energise For Life (UK) | General Cancer Info - Reference Articles, Bookstore, Products |
Cancer Prevention | General Cancer Info - 10 Effective, Natural Strategies |
Cancer Action | General Cancer Info - Click on 'First Steps' |
Brave Souls | General Cancer Info - Many Short Testimonials |
Essense of Life | General Cancer Info - Excellent - Pushes Minerals |
CureZone | General Cancer Info - Lots of Good Links |
Whale | General Cancer Info - Interview with Dr. Harold Manners |
Other Diseases and Health Issues |
Do You Know Someone Who is Pregnantor Might Become Pregnant?If so, Click Here!! |
Site | Major Sites That Cover Multiple Diseases |
Alternative Doctor | Retired American M.D. - SUPERB SITE for many topics!! |
Totality of Being | Dr. Wong, Naturopath - some STUPENDOUS ARTICLES !!! |
Alternative Health Daily | Alternative health journal - many subjects |
A Christian Perspective | Free - online eBook - Many Chapters, Many Health Related Topics |
GHC Health | Many articles on different health issues |
Savvy Patients | Excellent website that discusses many different diseases and illnesses |
Webster Health | Excellent general health site, much of it based on Jon Barron book! |
Alkalize For Health | An amazing page of links to health sites |
Cancer Life Stories | A new site (still small) on cancer testimonials |
Smart Women Supplements | Many articles on women's health issues |
Chattanooga Health | Some Excellent Articles on Different Health Issues |
Site | Articles / Websites on Specific Diseases and Health Issues |
Autism / ADHD | Causes, Treatments of Autism |
Candida / Yeast | Website on Dealing With Candida / Yeast Infections |
Depression and Anxiety | Partially Complete Article on Depression and Anxiety |
Diabetes Home Page | Type 1 and Type II Diabetes - Articles / Links |
Alzheimer's Article | Alzheimers and Dementia - the Cure [English] |
Alzheimer's Article | Alzheimers and Dementia - the Cure [Portuguese] |
Alzheimer's Article | Alzheimers and Dementia - the Cure [French] |
M.S. Article | Multiple Sclerosis - Research Article |
Scleroderma Article | Scleroderma |
Parkinson's Disease | Parkinson's Disease & Lewey Body Disease - A Natural Cure |
Hypertension/Heart Disease | Natural Treatments For Hypertension and Heart Disease |
AIDS / HIV | Natural Treatments For AIDS / HIV and HPV |
Lyme Disease | Lyme Disease - Natural Treatment |
Hepatitis C | Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A (And ALL Other Viral Diseases) Use the AIDS / HIV Article !!! |
Pandemic Flu | Article on Pandemic Flu, Avian Flu [Requires Adobe Acrobat] |
Preventing Flu | Article on Preventing the Flu and Treating the Flu |
Spinal Cord Injuries | Spinal Cord Injuries and Nerve Damage |
Common Cold Article | The 100% Natural, 100% Cure for the Common Cold |
Cure Your Asthma | Book on treating asthma in one week |
Weight Loss Research | Weight Loss Research Site (excellent food allergy article) |
Sinusitis Article | The 100% Natural, 100% Cure for Sinusitis |
Fibromyalgia | This guy can cure it, but he legally cannot make that claim |
Toothache | Curing a toothache (and avoiding a root canal) - Read Now!! |
Meniere's Disease | An article on Meniere's Disease |
Brown Recluse Article | Article on treating Brown Recluse Spider bites |
Weight Loss Warnings | Article and warnings about Weight Loss |
MSM and Vit. C | Article on MSM and Vitamin C and Several Diseases [English] |
MSM and Vit. C | Article on MSM and Vitamin C and Several Diseases [French] |
Candida Blog | Herbalist Blog on Candida and Yeast Infection |
Parental Alienation | Parental Alienation Website |
Free eBook: The War In Medicine |
Free eBook on the War Between Orthodox Medicine and Alternative MedicineThe article linked to above: "Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments" is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to detailing the corruption in orthodox medicine and in our government, etc. This book digs deeper and presents the big picture of what is going on, why it is going on, and unravels far more of the maze of deception. If you are interested in knowing more, here is the free eBook: |
Chapter | Title |
Chapter 1 | Introduction To The War in Medicine |
Chapter 2 | The Foundation Of The War in Medicine |
Chapter 3 | Case Study of Scientific Corruption |
Chapter 4 | Remission, Cure Rates and Other Deceptions |
Chapter 5 | The Approval of Chemotherapy Drugs |
Chapter 6 | The Scientific Evidence For Alternative Medicine |
Chapter 7 | Cancer Research |
Chapter 8 | Case Study of Media Corruption |
Chapter 9 | How The Media and Establishment Brainwash The Public |
Chapter 10 | Other Techniques the Media and Government Use |
Chapter 11 | The Role of the FDA |
Chapter 12 | The FDA Versus Freedom of Speech |
Chapter 13 | Who Do You Believe - Follow The Money Trail |
Other Health-Related Links |
Anti-Evolution, Quotes, Etc. Links |
Important Notices |
Please email your friends about this site, and link to this site on your web page! Click here to read my disclaimer: FDA Required Disclaimer Click here to find an expert to work with: Finding An Expert To Work With Click here to read about my background: About R. Webster Kehr A website with a bigger picture than just cancer: Site for Dementia, Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc. Web hosting by: www.1and1.com |
Please Support Alternative Cancer Research:The Cancer Tutor website is closely affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc (ICRF). The ICRF is one of the premiere alternative cancer treatment research organizations. Please support their research:Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.Please email your friends about this site, and link to this site on your web page!Click here to read the FDA required disclaimer: FDA Required Disclaimer and Discussion of Key Terms Click here to read about the CancerTutor webmaster: About R. Webster Kehr |
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