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We relocated nine months ago in Virginia and looking forward to share our next phase of managing cancer while enjoying life. However, I have created a website that also has a blog, which I will be doing a daily journal with our experiences in our new environment. Please join me there and continue to support my writings. Go to https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog-1 Until tomorrow, take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Almost a month ago I started a petition http://www.thepetitionsite.com/552/608/740/stand-up-to-cancer/, which is so dear to me, for this is the type of treatment that turned my live around without side effects. I am tired of seeing and hearing sad stories of how one suffers and all the side effects that go into chemo and radiation. We need to open our eyes and minds to see that there are other options out there in this wide world of ours. With the modern equipment such as the internet we can see beyond our little corner.
Let’s change the way we treat people, lets not use Russian Roulette and forget that we all have a choice on our quality of life and stand up to our government and have insurance companies pay for other options other than surgery, chemo or radiation.
I have written a book http://121586.wix.com/-myjourney. The purpose ~ I wanted people to learn that in order to cure cancer one has to change their lifestyle. The first step is prevention and finding the core of how it happened in the first place. The book is an easy read and provides a lot of information, please check it out.
To expand the KNOWLEDGE I have also created a web site with treatments that provide options on how to treat and manage cancer without surgery, chemo and radiation. http://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/ it’s a Scientific Approach which creates personalized programs that are customized for each patient, helping them to fight their cancer their way. Because everyone’s blueprint is different.
So you see I am not done living my life and I will be smiling and laughing. This is what I would like for all cancer patients ~ not just a few. Please stand with me and change the thinking toward cancer and let every cancer patient have a option toward a quality of live.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Knowledge is power and prevention is the key
We need to think about the next generation and protect our children from this disease called cancer. Knowledge is power and prevention is the key. However sometimes that does not protect us from this disease eating away at our bodies.. We do not need to put poisons or radiation in our bodies to manage cancer. Checkout another option https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-WnYq-aGHA Stand up and sign this petition and make a change for our children and grandchildren. Please share
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Last Friday Dan and I took a tour to the city of Zamora where our first stop was the Cathedral and then some R & R time where we went to Camecuaro Lake.
Zamora de Hidalgo, is a city in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The 2010 census population was 141,627. making it the third largest city in the state. The city is the municipal seat of Zamora Municipality, which has an area of 330.97 km² (127.79 sq mi) and includes many other smaller communities, the largest of which is Ario de Rayón (Ario Santa Mónica). The municipality's population is around 186,102, which makes it the second most populous urban area in the state.
The city of Zamora is an important economic center in the state and the most significant population center between the cities of Morelia and Guadalajara. The city is located on the Tarascan Plateau in the northwestern part of the state, at an elevation of 1,567 m (5,141 ft) above sea level. Zamora is surrounded by the fertile Tziróndaro Valley which is an important agricultural area that exports large amounts of produce to the United States.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a gothic revival Catholic cathedral located in Zamora, Michoacán, Mexico
The Mexican Revolution brought problems to Zamora, and to the country as a whole. In 1914 the work of construction was suspended due to the revolution and later, the Cristero War, for an indefinite time.
During the intervening years, only half of the cathedral was complete, including 4 of the naves, and all the pillars were in place. Unfortunately, due to the continuing conflict, the original drafts were lost; all that remained were a drawing of the original facade and a general plan of construction. Also, much of the original quarry stone disappeared, and the cathedral was damaged when the army decided to use one of the stone walls as a place of execution; many died by firing squad for their faith. The evidence still exists in the form of hundreds of bullet holes etched in the wall; a silent memorial to those who died there.
At the moment, construction is on the verge of completion and last details are being finished. The organ, by Alexander Schuke Orgelbau of Potsdam, Germany, is complete and was installed early in 2009. With the newly installed spires, the towers now reach a height of 105 meters. The inner illumination is completely finished and in niches on the pillars, images of the saints have been placed, with plaques with their respective names underneath
On to the lake we go for some relaxed R & R time. The Park consists of 9.65 hectares (23.8 acres) of protected area including Camécuaro Lake which is supplied by a series of natural springs. The lake is popular due to crystal clear water and the beautiful vegetation that surrounds the lake. Even though the lake is relatively small, many photographers from all over Mexico come to take professional photographs that capture the parks picturesque views.
Over all the trip was fabulous. Just riding along the roads of Mexico gives you another outlook of life and the history that took place here.
Last Friday Dan and I took a tour to the city of Zamora where our first stop was the Cathedral and then some R & R time where we went to Camecuaro Lake.
Zamora de Hidalgo, is a city in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The 2010 census population was 141,627. making it the third largest city in the state. The city is the municipal seat of Zamora Municipality, which has an area of 330.97 km² (127.79 sq mi) and includes many other smaller communities, the largest of which is Ario de Rayón (Ario Santa Mónica). The municipality's population is around 186,102, which makes it the second most populous urban area in the state.
The city of Zamora is an important economic center in the state and the most significant population center between the cities of Morelia and Guadalajara. The city is located on the Tarascan Plateau in the northwestern part of the state, at an elevation of 1,567 m (5,141 ft) above sea level. Zamora is surrounded by the fertile Tziróndaro Valley which is an important agricultural area that exports large amounts of produce to the United States.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a gothic revival Catholic cathedral located in Zamora, Michoacán, Mexico
The cornerstone of the cathedral was laid on February 2, 1898, the feast of Candlemas, by the second bishop of Zamora, Don Jose Ma. Càzares y Martinez. The architectural plan is attributed to the Zamoran architect Jesús Hernández Segura. The diocese had been established in 1862 and needed a cathedral.
The construction started in 1898, with a crew of more than 300 men working on the site. It was designed in the neogothic, or gothic revival style with an unusual twist, a dome over the crossing. The cathedral would contain 5 extensive naves, 4 of which had been roofed over by the end of 1910; vast amounts of quarry stone were required in order to accelerate the work.
The Mexican Revolution brought problems to Zamora, and to the country as a whole. In 1914 the work of construction was suspended due to the revolution and later, the Cristero War, for an indefinite time.
During the intervening years, only half of the cathedral was complete, including 4 of the naves, and all the pillars were in place. Unfortunately, due to the continuing conflict, the original drafts were lost; all that remained were a drawing of the original facade and a general plan of construction. Also, much of the original quarry stone disappeared, and the cathedral was damaged when the army decided to use one of the stone walls as a place of execution; many died by firing squad for their faith. The evidence still exists in the form of hundreds of bullet holes etched in the wall; a silent memorial to those who died there.
After many fits and starts, in 1988 His Excellency Josè E. Jiménez Robles, eighth bishop of Zamora, was able to plan for restarting construction and in 1989, it was decided to dedicate the building to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Its completion seemed almost impossible to him; the lack of economic resources and the time needed to complete the project being the most daunting tasks. He only knew that he and the faithful were up against a difficult but noble task.
The work of reconstruction began in 1990, with a new facade instead of what was originally planned, and bearing a resemblance to the gothic cathedral in Milan, Italy. A spire was placed at the crossing instead of the planned dome, this being an element more in keeping with pure gothic architecture. The walls were cleaned of debris then cracks were repaired and the walls reinforced. The towers were redesigned to make them more spacious and the patio was paved in order to lend greater stability to the building.
At the moment, construction is on the verge of completion and last details are being finished. The organ, by Alexander Schuke Orgelbau of Potsdam, Germany, is complete and was installed early in 2009. With the newly installed spires, the towers now reach a height of 105 meters. The inner illumination is completely finished and in niches on the pillars, images of the saints have been placed, with plaques with their respective names underneath
On to the lake we go for some relaxed R & R time. The Park consists of 9.65 hectares (23.8 acres) of protected area including Camécuaro Lake which is supplied by a series of natural springs. The lake is popular due to crystal clear water and the beautiful vegetation that surrounds the lake. Even though the lake is relatively small, many photographers from all over Mexico come to take professional photographs that capture the parks picturesque views.
Over all the trip was fabulous. Just riding along the roads of Mexico gives you another outlook of life and the history that took place here.
Monday, April 20, 2015
My voice ~ Be the change. In 2015, THERE WILL BE AN ESTIMATED 1,658,370 NEW CANCER CASES DIAGNOSED and 589,430 cancer DEATHS in the US. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/…/608/740/stand-up-to-cancer/ ~ PLEASE SHARE WITH AT LEAST THREE PEOPLE
Thursday, April 16, 2015
cannot change the way they are treating cancer until the public that is being
treated or have known someone that has passed on from it ~ stand together. We as a whole can change the thinking toward cancer. First, I recommend this document and then you
can decide why I am so passionate of changing the options and having the insurance
companies pay for those other options. http://video.pbs.org/program/story-cancer-emperor-all-maladies/
. Please join me and let’s stand
together and make a change….. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/552/608/740/stand-up-to-cancer/
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
I was awaken from a restless sleep, torn from watching
a documentary that was advised to be watched by a friend. It was about the history of cancer and I was
amazed to see what was being done back in the nineteenth century. I was even
more surprised to see and hear that not much difference has been done since
During the late 1800’s women that had breast cancer
had surgery to remove the breast, all layers; to prevent the cancer from coming
back. However, the fix was not
enough. In most cases the cancer came
back in another organ and to fix that, they removed that organ which caused it
to arrive in another. This is not much
different to what is happening today!
Chemo and radiation started in the early nineteen
hundreds, which provided results which were pretty much the same. The chemo ~a poison drug was experimented on
people with the successful rate that the drug would later form another type of
cancer or other side effects. Radiation
was done with the same results. However
they are doing the same type of procedures today!
As I grew up I had experienced the same results with
my family members. At an early age I
watched my father and his siblings all go through chemo and radiation and saw
the same results and death. This was in
the 1970’s when President Nixon passed a bill to raise funds for the cure of
in memory of my Dad, lets make a difference
When I graduated from high school, my passion was to
help and change the way cancer was feeding on the public. I went into the medical
field and went along with the crowd until I was diagnosed with breast cancer in
my early 50’s. Everything came back to
me and my life changed with the knowledge and education what is out there for
treatment. I explored the world for
options and found results without long term side effects. It’s amazing what you can find out there if
you look hard enough.
With all the funding that has been going on for many years,
they just keep coming up with poisons to fight this illness. I am appalled that
not enough research is going toward the type of treatments that Mexico and
Germany has been doing for years. There
is a way to fight cancer without surgery, chemo, radiation that do show good
We as people need to realize that the type of
procedures are being used now have a very low rate of cure and look outside the
box and educate ourselves. It’s been
known that heat and oxygen kills cancer and there are other ways rather than
the norm that burns and poisons and causes other side effects. I should know for I had these other methods and
have had minor side effects ~ a fever. In researching further a fever is not a bad
side effect. This is a way that your
body is telling you that there is something wrong and it wants to escape
out. So often, we are given a pill to
break the fever when in many cases we should let it take its course.
Immune therapy (T
Cells), hyperthermia and ozone treatments are much more affective without side
effects. The insurance companies will
not pay for this for they say it is experimental; but isn’t chemo and radiation. It has been a trial since the early nineteen
hundreds and still with the same results.
Why not put the money for a cancer cure into what I did and have
insurance companies pay for it. Wait,
maybe they do not want to find a cure or a better type of treatment, because
more people will live. Just look at the statistics and think
about it:
Every 7 minutes a woman
is diagnosed with gynecological cancer, 1 million a year in the U.S.
The American Cancer
Society’s estimates for breast cancer in women in the United States for 2015
About 231,840 new cases
of invasive breast cancer
About 62,290 new cases of
carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the breast will be found (CIS is non-invasive and is
the earliest form of breast cancer).
About 40,290 deaths from
breast cancer
Cancer is the most common
cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the
second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.
Annual report, The
American Cancer Society
This annual report
provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015, as well
as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information
on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. In 2015, THERE
DEATHS in the US. (Please note: The projected numbers of new cancer cases and
deaths in 2015 should not be compared with previous years to track cancer
trends because they are model-based and vary from year to year for reasons
other than changes in cancer occurrence. Age-standardized incidence and death
rates should be used to measure cancer trends.)
Cancer Research Funding
Key Points
• The National Cancer
Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health and the Department
of Health and Human Services, is the Nation’s principal agency for cancer
research and coordinates the National Cancer Program.
• As a federal agency,
NCI receives its funds from Congress.
• Although NCI’s budget
has been relatively flat in recent years, averaging approximately $4.9 billion
per year, funding for specific cancer types and research categories may
fluctuate for a number of reasons.
• Other federal agencies,
state, and local governments, voluntary organizations, private institutions,
and industry spend substantial amounts of money on cancer-related research.
Source: National Cancer
Institute: website.
As I understand it
science has mapped the genome for cancer. The problem is that the cancer cells mutate
making many drug treatment programs ineffective. Research is very expensive and
as drugs become ineffective continuing research must be performed to combat the
evolution of the disease driving up costs for treatment. In a great many cases
patient’s lives are extended by drugs used to fight their disease until their
cancer mutates creating another type of cancer cell requiring another type of
So you see why I am
tossing and turning and can’t get to sleep.
The cancer is gone, but the knowledge that I have learned is eating
inside me and I am heartbroken to hear and see the percentage of people dying
of this illness when it doesn’t have to be that way.
The best part of the
research money should go into prevention of cancer. I have learned so much regarding this subject
and have changed my lifestyle, which will prevent the cancer that I had to come
back. You see we are treating this
disease with symptoms and not the core of how we got it. There is a reason, we need to treat each
person individually and treat the source and not the symptom.
Wake up and stand with me
and change the thinking of the way we treat cancer. Sign and spread the petition with others so
more options are approved for insurance companies to pay. Individually we are a drop, but together we
can be an ocean. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/552/608/740/stand-up-to-cancer/
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
My passion and goal is to have options available in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, covered by all insurance companies. Stand up to cancer with me and change the health care industry. You are a drop, but together we are an ocean. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ~ LETS CHANGE THE THINKING OF CANCER
Some statistics to think about:
Every 7 minutes a woman is diagnosed with gynecological cancer, 1 million a year in the U.S.
The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in women in the United States for 2015 are:
About 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer
About 62,290 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the breast will be found (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).
About 40,290 deaths from breast cancer
cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.
Annual report, The American Cancer Society
This annual report provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015, as well as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. In 2015, THERE WILL BE AN ESTIMATED 1,658,370 NEW CANCER CASES DIAGNOSED and 589,430 cancer DEATHS in the US. (Please note: The projected numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015 should not be compared with previous years to track cancer trends because they are model-based and vary from year to year for reasons other than changes in cancer occurrence. Age-standardized incidence and death rates should be used to measure cancer trends.)
Cancer Research Funding
Key Points
• The National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Nation’s principal agency for cancer research and coordinates the National Cancer Program.
• As a federal agency, NCI receives its funds from Congress.
• Although NCI’s budget has been relatively flat in recent years, averaging approximately $4.9 billion per year, funding for specific cancer types and research categories may fluctuate for a number of reasons.
• Other federal agencies, state, and local governments, voluntary organizations, private institutions, and industry spend substantial amounts of money on cancer-related research.
source: National Cancer Institute : website.
As I understand it science has mapped the genome for cancer. The problem is that the cancer cell mutates making many drug treatment programs ineffective. Research is very expensive and as drugs become ineffective continuing research must be performed to combat the evolution of the disease driving up costs for treatment. In a great many cases patient’s lives are extended by drugs used to fight their disease until their cancer mutates creating another type of cancer cell requiring another type of drug.
Research is being slowed by a lack of funding.
Some statistics to think about:
Every 7 minutes a woman is diagnosed with gynecological cancer, 1 million a year in the U.S.
The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in women in the United States for 2015 are:
About 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer
About 62,290 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the breast will be found (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).
About 40,290 deaths from breast cancer
cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.
Annual report, The American Cancer Society
This annual report provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015, as well as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. In 2015, THERE WILL BE AN ESTIMATED 1,658,370 NEW CANCER CASES DIAGNOSED and 589,430 cancer DEATHS in the US. (Please note: The projected numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015 should not be compared with previous years to track cancer trends because they are model-based and vary from year to year for reasons other than changes in cancer occurrence. Age-standardized incidence and death rates should be used to measure cancer trends.)
Cancer Research Funding
Key Points
• The National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Nation’s principal agency for cancer research and coordinates the National Cancer Program.
• As a federal agency, NCI receives its funds from Congress.
• Although NCI’s budget has been relatively flat in recent years, averaging approximately $4.9 billion per year, funding for specific cancer types and research categories may fluctuate for a number of reasons.
• Other federal agencies, state, and local governments, voluntary organizations, private institutions, and industry spend substantial amounts of money on cancer-related research.
source: National Cancer Institute : website.
As I understand it science has mapped the genome for cancer. The problem is that the cancer cell mutates making many drug treatment programs ineffective. Research is very expensive and as drugs become ineffective continuing research must be performed to combat the evolution of the disease driving up costs for treatment. In a great many cases patient’s lives are extended by drugs used to fight their disease until their cancer mutates creating another type of cancer cell requiring another type of drug.
Research is being slowed by a lack of funding.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
The crucifixion of Jesus
The crucifixion of Jesus
This occurred during the 1st century AD, most probably between the years 30 and 33. According to the accounts in the New Testament, Jesus, whom Christians believe to be the Son of God as well as the Messiah, was arrested, tried, and sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged, and finally crucified. Collectively referred to as the Passion, Jesus' suffering and redemptive death by crucifixion are the central aspects of Christian theology concerning the doctrines of salvation and atonement.
Good Friday the Passion of Jesus in Ajijic
In many towns and villages the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ is remembered through a passion play, or a recreation of the Via Crucis, (the Way of the Cross) on Viernes Santo -- Holy Friday. This may be an all-day event involving a cast of hundreds of amateur performers playing key roles in the Biblical story that reaches its climax with a simulated crucifixion. In other places there may be some type of solemn procession in which most of the populace participates as penitents. In addition, the Virgin Mary´s pain and suffering at the loss of her son may be recalled with the display of an Altar de Dolores--an Altar of Sorrows.
Dan and I went to this Friday and were surprised to feel like a part of the reenactment. It’s amazing dedication that was put into the play. It brought tears to my eyes seeing the suffering that occurred during the 1 century AD. I learned this as a child, but as a Catholic it never dawned on me the sacrifice until you are involved in the actions of what happened back during that time.
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