Sunday, August 10, 2014

Yes, Mexico has Scorpions

Yes, Mexico has Scorpions


As I sat and posted on Facebook the other day, I suddenly felt this pain as if a needle was penetrating up my leg.  I, at that point yelled for Dan my husband and told him something stung me.  We looked and did not find anything at the time and he said, “It probably was spider.”

I looked at him and said, “This pain I am feeling is more than that”. He looked at where the pain was coming from and it looked like a mosquito bite and was a little swollen.  I decided to take a warm bath, which helped for a little while. 

The funny part about all this, is that I am very careful regarding bugs in my home, for I have heard scary stories of scorpion bites.  I always would tell myself that this would never happen to me.  As I look back and explain the occurrence, it was not as bad as I thought it would be.

The rest of the day I put cold packs on the spot and before you know it after two days, I am good as before.

The moral of the story is until it happens to you, it may not be as scary as the stories that have been told.  I am still alive and only felt a needle for a short period of time.

Who would have known one would be hiding in my chair.  That night Dan found the scorpion and we disposed of it.  So you might say, pay backs are a bitch.

 It is important to recognize scorpion sting symptoms: immediate pain or burning, very little swelling, sensitivity to touch, and a numbness/tingling sensation. Often people tell me that they didn't even know they were stung by a scorpion when it happened. Some people are especially sensitive to the sting and have scary stories to tell (a few are probably somewhat exaggerated).

If you are stung by any scorpion, here are some immediate actions you should take:

  1. Wash the area with soap and water.
  2. Apply a cool compress on the area of the scorpion sting. Ice (wrapped in a washcloth or other suitable covering) may be applied to the sting location for ten minutes. Remove compress for ten minutes and repeat as necessary.
  3. If stung on a limb (arm or leg) elevate the limb to heart level. If severe symptoms are present (these might include blurry vision, muscle twitching, roving eye movements, or other non-typical symptoms), it is time to go to the nearest emergency facility for treatment.  
  4. Keep your tetanus shots and boosters current.

Scorpion Sting Tips

  1. Be careful when camping or during other outdoor activities to make sure that a scorpion has not made a home in your clothes, shoes or sleeping bags.
  2. Scorpions glow brightly under UV light (black light).


  1. Scorpions are hard to kill off. If you suspect your house has scorpions, call a professional exterminator. Eliminating their food source (other insects) can help.
  2. Few people die from scorpion stings, even the sting of the bark scorpion. Scorpion stings are most dangerous to the very young and the very old. Pets are also at risk.

Mexico seems to be one of the main locations where humans are worried about Scorpions. The species found living around this area are said to be the most venomous. It is estimated that 1,000 people die annually in Mexico from Scorpion bites. The Mexican government has been trying to find a solution but where there are harsh living conditions it has been difficult.

You can take steps to help reduce the chances of Scorpions ending up in your home. Don’t leave piles of rocks in your yard. Check wood carefully that you have outdoors before you bring it in. Place lighting outdoors around your home to keep them from coming in since they are sensitive to light.




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