Saturday, October 11, 2014



This month look around you and see all the products that are in pink.  This is supposed to represent Breast Cancer Awareness.  I suppose for some this helps them feel there is a purpose for the cause.  I just sit back as a breast cancer survivor and honor all that have passed from this disease.  I think we need to put our money into researching, how to manage this and its cause.  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

For the past four years I have done a lot of research on other methods that treat cancer.  I take the color pink to another level, using it with my passion and love to direct it toward the cause.  A lot of the products that use the tool of pink this month are the causes. If you do not believe me look up the ingredients of the products and you will see.

This world is big and other countries are using methods that are not accepted by the FDA.  For me, my insurance company stated that it was an experimental procedure and would not cover it.  Lesson learned; it worked and that is all that counts…  I am alive and had no surgery, chemo nor radiation. 

We all have choices and it’s all right to buy pink, just remember that life is not about that ~it’s about knowledge.  

So today, consider all the walks and events that you attend, and honor the ones that passed on from this disease, along with the concept of awareness. If only my Aunts that left us with breast cancer tried the methods that I used. I feel now I would be able to hug them today.

So put your money like me into pink to understand the cause and not the cure.  Because it can be cured by knowing the cause. I am proof….


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