- Acne: carrot, cabbage, lettuce, brewer’s yeast, tomato, turnip, dandelion, yogurt.
- Aerophagy: fresh anise, fennel, lemon, marjoram, mint, oregano.
- Anemia: garlic, apricot, orange, beetroot, carrot, chestnut, cabbage, radish, watercress, sprouts, wheat, brewer’s yeast, lemon, apple, walnuts, olives, propolis, leek, parsley, prunes, spinach, dandelion, grape.
- Anorexia: garlic, apricot, orange, radish, watercress, fennel, cedar, lemon, nutmeg, oregano, basil jelly, propolis, grapefruit, parsley, black radish, sage, celery.
- Arthritis and Arthropathy: garlic, asparagus, artichoke, cabbage, cucumber, radish, onion, cherry, strawberry, lemon, apple, tomato, grapefruit, leeks, mafrorapano-black radish, radish, grape.
- Arterial hypertension: garlic, strawberry, lemon, marjoram, apple, olive, rice, rye, soybeans, grapes.
- Atherosclerosis: garlic, artichoke, carrot, cabbage, onion, cherry, strawberry, wheat, brewer’s yeast, apple, walnuts, tomatoes, leeks, plum, rye, soybeans.
- Bleeding: orange, carrot, lemon and propolis.
- Arterial hypotension: oats, barley, royal jelly, propolis, rosemary, sage, thyme.
- Angina: garlic, artichoke, carrot, cabbage, beer yeast, apple, walnuts, rye, soybeans, yogurt.
- Bronchitis: garlic, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, onion, watercress, figs, sprouts, lettuce, apple, mint, honey, oregano, barley, pine nuts, black radish, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme.
- Blocks: (see Cancer).
- Bladder stones (urolithiasis): garlic, oats, carrots, cabbage, cherries, watercress, fennel (fennel), strawberry, lemon, apple, leek, parsley, black radish, turnip, radish, celery, dandelion.
- Biliary stones (cholelithiasis): artichoke, carrot, cherry, onion, strawberry, lemon, apple, eggplant, walnuts, olives, black radish, radish, rosemary, dandelion, grape.
- Cough: Garlic, fresh anise, basil, carrot, cabbage, onions, figs, lettuce, almonds, honey, oregano, pine nuts, propolis, black radish, rape, sage, celery, thyme.
- Constipation: apricot, orange, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, radish, cherry, onion, fig, strawberry, wheat, lettuce, brewer’s yeast, almond, apple, eggplant, melon, olives, potato, peach, propolis, tomatoes, leeks, plum , rice, rye, dandelion, grapes, yogurt, pumpkin, zucchini.
- Capillary fragility: orange, cabbage, buckwheat, lemon, pepper, red pepper, grapefruit, parsley.
- Cancer: garlic, beetroot, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, onion, watercress, sprouts, apple, propolis, parsley, celery.
- Cirrhosis of the liver: onions, cabbage, cedar, propolis, rosemary.
- Colic liver: (see bile stones).
- Colitis: garlic, basil, cinnamon, carrot, artichoke, cabbage, radish, onion, beer yeast, apple, mint, honey, barley, tomatoes, rice, rosemary, dandelion, thyme, grapes, yogurt, pumpkin, zucchini.
- Colds: (see Bronchitis and Influenza).
- Cystitis: garlic, carrot, cabbage, onion, fennel, cedar, barley, leeks, turnips, thyme, yogurt.
- Chilblains: carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, onion, lemon, celery.
- Decalcification: (see Desalination).
- Desalination (no minerals): orange, asparagus, beetroot, carrot, cabbage, cherry, strawberry, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, lemon, almond, apple, barley, propolis, black radish, celery, grapes, yogurt.
- Dermatitis: orange, asparagus, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, cucumber, watercress, strawberries, beer yeast, lemon, almond, walnut, olive, propolis, black radish, rice, sage, dandelion, grapes, yogurt.
- Diabetes: asparagus, oats, artichoke, cabbage, chickpea, radish, watercress, bean, cedar, brewer’s yeast, apple, hazelnut, olive, rice, sage.
- Diarrhea: garlic, apricot, cinnamon, carrot, chestnut, cabbage, cloves, beer yeast, lemon, apple, mint, nutmeg, propolis, rice, rosemary, sage, savory, yogurt.
- Eczema: (see Dermatitis).
- Enteral rots (gas) (see Fermentations bowel).
- Enteritis: (see Colitis).
- Fermentations Bowel garlic, fresh anise, basil, cinnamon, carrot, clove, cherry, onion, fennel, lettuce, mint, red pepper, propolis, parsley, black radish, sage, savory, dandelion, thyme, yogurt.
- Fatigue: garlic, apricot, orange, asparagus, oats, cinnamon, carrot, chestnut, cabbage, cloves (spice), radish, onion, watercress, bean, fig, strawberry, wheat germ, cedar, mafrositaro-buckwheat, lemon, marjoram, almonds , apple, mint, honey, millet, nutmeg, royal jelly, pine nuts, propolis, parsley, prunes, rice, rosemary, sage, savory, celery, dandelion, thyme, grape.
- Flatulence: garlic, fresh anise, basil, cinnamon, cloves, onion, fennel, lettuce, lemon, marjoram, mint, nutmeg, oregano, red pepper, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme, yogurt.
- Fever: garlic, orange, cinnamon, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, cloves, onion, sprouts, lemon, mint, apple, honey, barley, grapefruit, parsley, thyme, grape.
- Gastritis: carrot, cabbage, fennel, figs, lettuce, lemon pepper, honey, potato, sage, yogurt, pumpkin.
- Gastric acidity: lemon, mint.
- Gingivitis: orange, carrot, cabbage, onion, fig, lemon, celery.
- Gout: garlic, asparagus, basil, artichoke, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, radish, cherry, fennel, strawberry, cedar, lettuce, lemon, melon, olives, pear, tomato, leek, parsley, plum, black radish, turnip. rosemary, dandelion, grape.
- Hemorrhoids: beetroot, chestnuts, cabbage, chervil, onion, melon, potato, leek, sage, dandelion, yogurt.
- Hepatic impairment: orange, asparagus, artichoke, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, radish, cherry, watercress, strawberries, lettuce, brewer’s yeast, lemon, apple, eggplant, mint, walnuts, olives, barley, propolis, grapefruit, parsley, plum, black radish, rice, rosemary, sage, celery, dandelion, thyme, grape.
- Heart attack: garlic, carrot, cabbage, apple, rye, organic soy yogurt.
- Headache: basil, cabbage, cherry, fennel, lemon, marjoram, apple, mint, black radish, rosemary.
- Hyperglycemia: (see Diabetes).
- Hyperthyroidism: sea vegetables: wakame, dulse, kelp (check your origin source, be sure it’s not radioactive), broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, rutabagas, soybeans (organic edamame), spinach, turnips, cassava root, millet, organic corn, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly.
- Hyperuricemia: (see Gout).
- Hypercholesterolemia: garlic, artichokes, chick peas, lemon, organic corn, apple, eggplant, walnuts, soybeans, dandelion, yogurt.
- Insomnia: apricots, oats, basil, cabbage, lettuce, marjoram, apple, oregano, peach, pumpkin.
- Influenza: garlic, orange, cinnamon, cabbage, onion, sprouts, lemon, mint, honey, pine, rosemary, sage, thyme, yogurt.
- Indigestion: garlic, bay leaf, fresh anise, basil, cinnamon, cloves, radish, onion, fennel, cedar, brewer’s yeast, lemon, eggplant, mint, nutmeg, red pepper, grapefruit, parsley, black radish, rosemary, sage , savory, celery, dandelion, thyme, yogurt, pumpkin.
- Intestinal Parasites: garlic, cinnamon, carrot, cabbage, chickpea, cloves, onion, watercress, fennel, lemon, apple, mint, hazelnut, walnut, leek, parsley, savory, thyme, pumpkin seeds.
- Infectious diseases: (see Fever).
- Jaundice: (see Liver failure).
- Laryngitis: garlic, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, onion, fig, lemon, honey, sage, celery.
- Labial herpes: lemon.
- Migraine: (see Headache).
- Memory lost: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and bok choy, spinach, collard and mustard greens, kale, swiss chard, Berries (all varieties), cherries, black currents, eggplant, red, black, and purple grapes, plums, rhubarb, red onion, red apples, red/purple cabbage, and red beets, onions (red, yellow, white), kale, leeks, cherry tomato, broccoli, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, apricots, apple with skin (Red Delicious), and red, purple, and black grapes.
- Neurotic depression: apricot, cinnamon, cabbage, apple, mint, nutmeg, propolis, royal jelly, plum, rosemary, sage, celery, thyme.
- Old age: garlic, apricot, orange, carrot, chestnut, cabbage, cherry, onion, fig, sprouts, lemon, apple, hazelnut, royal jelly, propolis, grapefruit, rye, soybeans, yogurt.
- Oliguria: (see Kidney insufficiency).
- Osteoporosis (see Desalination).
- Obesity: cherry, onion, strawberry, lettuce, lemon, apple, potato, grapefruit, leeks, parsley, turnip, rice, celery, dandelion.
- Overwork: (see fatigue).
- Palpitations: fresh anise, lettuce, almonds, mint, rosemary.
- Pharyngitis: garlic, cabbage, onion, lemon, honey and propolis.
- Renal impairment: garlic, fresh anise, artichoke, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, radish, cherry, onion, watercress, fennel, apple, melon, barley, pear, grapefruit, peach, leek, parsley, turnip, rice, sage, dandelion, zucchini.
- Rickets: garlic, apricot, carrot, cabbage, onion, cheese, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, nuts, olives, pine nuts, propolis, parsley, mafrorapano-black radish, sage, spinach, yogurt.
- Rheumatism: (see Arthropathy and arthritis).
- Stomach and duodenal ulcers: carrot, cabbage, lemon, apple, potato, cheese, sage, yogurt.
- Stress: apricots, oats, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce, marjoram, oregano, peaches, parsley, organic soy.
- Sinusitis: garlic, cabbage, lemon, peppermint, propolis, pine nuts, thyme, yogurt.
- Sciatica: (see Arthropathy and arthritis).
- Swelling: garlic, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, onion, parsley, turnip, grape.
- Salmonella infection: garlic, cinnamon, carrot, onion, brewer’s yeast, peppermint, rice, rosemary, sage, thyme, yogurt.
- Scurvy: orange, carrot, cabbage, chairefyllo-chervil, onion, watercress, sprouts, lemon, potato, propolis, black radish, radish, dandelion.
- Seborrhoea: cabbage, lemon, black radish, rosemary.
- Stomatitis: (see Gingivitis).
- Tonsillitis: garlic, cabbage, carrot, onion, fig, lemon, honey, propolis, turnips, rosemary, sage, celery, thyme, yogurt.
- Tapeworm: (see Intestinal parasites).
- Tracheitis: (see Cough).
- Varicose veins: cabbage, lemon, garlic, cabbage, lemon, dandelion.
- Vomiting: anise, fennel, balm, mint.
- Whooping cough: garlic, basil, cabbage, lettuce, oregano, black radish, rosemary, thyme.

We relocated nine months ago in Virginia and looking forward to share our next phase of managing cancer while enjoying life. However, I have created a website that also has a blog, which I will be doing a daily journal with our experiences in our new environment. Please join me there and continue to support my writings. Go to https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog-1 Until tomorrow, take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Each food has a very important healing properties
Each food has a very important healing properties for our health. Discover the A to Z what foods are good for any possible illness … Discovered what foods may minimize the negative symptoms of some diseases but not to exhibit growing problems of any disease by eating them.
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