In 2001 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had been eating healthy (as much organic as I could afford}, taking supplements, and leading a healthy lifestyle. I didn't think, "Why me?" I thought, "Why not me", as my mother and her sister had previously had breast cancer. I had been into alternative medicine for years. It had worked miracles for one of my daughters more than once. I read in one of my alternative newsletters about Dr. Donato Perez Garcia in Tijuana, Mexico and his IPTLD treatment, which stands for Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose. I looked up his website,, and read about the treatment which uses FDA approved chemo but only 10 to 20% of the conventional dose, and is administered in a more efficient way. Therefore there are virtually no side effects. After coming within nine hours of my previously scheduled conventional breast surgery, I canceled it and went to see "Dr. Donato" as he is affectionately called. Immediately following my first chemo treatment with him, my husband and I were sitting eating our lunch when I started to weep. My husband asked me what was wrong. I told him I was so touched that I'd just had a chemo treatment and here I was feeling fine, with no nausea, no side effects, and able to eat a meal. I tell anyone who will listen that it is a much kinder, gentler way to go, rather than the traditional cut, burn, poison route with conventional treatment. And it works, as my tumor gradually disappeared, without any surgery or radiation!
Dr. Donato practices at Hospital Angeles, an immaculately clean, certified, private hospital. I have met many of his patients from this country and other countries who were being treated successfully. All of us cannot find the words to describe how great a doctor and person he is; kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and very humble He never seems rushed and always takes time to answer any questions we may have. He also speaks perfect English and has trained numerous doctors in this country and others on how to do his treatment. He and the hospital staff are the greatest, so friendly and helpful. I never felt like just one of the herd.
I would not hesitate for a minute to recommend Dr. Donato and his treatment to either of my daughters should the need arise!
Joan Longoria
Thank you Joan for sharing your story. I hope this will inspire others to realize that we have choices
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