States With the Most Toxic Tap Water:
1. California
2. Wisconsin
3. North Carolina
4. Florida
5. Texas
6. New York
7. Nevada
8. Pennsylvania
9. Ohio
10. New Mexico
In North Carolina, 6.1 million citizens were exposed to 59 contaminants that exceeded the EPA’s limits. Nitrate, which can have a negative impact on kidneys, blood, the heart and the reproductive systems, was the most common contaminant.
The suspected carcinogen enters water through fertilizer runoff, leaching septic tanks and erosion of natural deposits.
Bromodichloromethane showed up in amounts that exceeded health limits in 373 communities, exposing 5 million people to potentially dangerous amounts of the toxic compound.
Are You Drinking Contaminated Tap Water?
Depending upon which contaminants that you are trying to remove and your budget, the alternatives vary greatly. To just remove chlorine is probably not sufficient, since many excreted and flushed medications are in city water. Apparently, they do not remove medication from city water.
Distillation is the most effective, but not really home use friendly.
Reverse osmosis probably does about the same job, and has a lot of filter issues and cost, maintenance and installation.
Others report no filtration system will remove the BPA and that water is a minor source of BPA compared to other contaminants in our food supply with BPA.
What Are Phthalates
Researchers estimated that more than 75% of the U.S. population is exposed to phthalates. Starting as early as the 1950s, scientists have published research findings in peer-reviewed academic and science journals on human and animal exposure to phthalates and their wide variety of health problems, as follows:
Infertility (especially among men)
Cancers (e.g., liver, breast, prostate, testicular, colon)
Autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus)
Fertility problems (e.g., low sperm count, poor mobility of sperm, DNA damage in sperm, lower testosterone level, and ovarian dysfunction)
Obesity, resistance to insulin, and diabetes in men
Smaller testes and smaller genitals on average among male babies exposed to phthalates in mothers’ wombs
“Feminization” of male fish, frogs, and other amphibians living in phthalates-contaminated
rivers in the wild
Phthalates are a class of synthetic chemical compounds used widely as softeners in many plastic products (or commonly called as “plasticizers” in plastics) and other consumer products.
For your health and your family’s health, it is best to avoid all plastic containers—both
for water and food—labeled #3 PVC and all containers containing phthalates.
It is best to use glass or stainless-steel food and water bottles and containers when bottling your own filtered water at home. It is difficult to avoid phthalates in this world even if you want to, so do not voluntarily ingest more phthalates by using phthalate-containing water bottles and food containers.
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