Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Every October I look forward to Dan’s birthday and Halloween.  This month is also my father’s birthday and each October 22nd I honor him for he passed on at the age of 42 of cancer.  It also is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which has so much meaning to me for I was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 in a half years ago.

Every where I look and even on TV, I am reminded of this for it is being posted all over the place.  I am angry over the fact that there is not a lot of education being done on prevention and ways of treatment that does not cause side effects.  The treatments that are given that are FDA approved are the same types of causes that started the cause.  We are not going to the root of the problem. 

I almost eight years ago searched along with Dan for other methods of treatments, which found us in Mexico.  Looking back, I am very humble that I had the resources and found the proper doctors that educated me on how to find the root (the cause).  I had treatment other than surgery, chemo or radiation.  I was taught how to change my lifestyle by working around the environment that is destroying our bodies. 

So, with the knowledge I have gained I try to spread so others may have the opportunity that is facing cancer or any other autoimmune diseases.  It’s much more than having treatment, it’s a lifestyle change.

I wish, that someday Breast Cancer Awareness Month will raise money for the race of knowledge and education on the root and how not to get this disease.

Now, its November the month of Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for, starting with two doctors that remind me every day that through their education I am still here today. Thank you, Dr. Perez and Dr Garcia, for giving me not only the treatment, but the knowledge.  Vera Lopez for the blessings and the procedure of hyperthermia.

I also thank Dan and Danielle for believing in my choices and standing by me.

I can not stress how important it is for one to research before making a decision that may be a life threating choice.  Its your body, so its up to you to make the right decision for you.  I have a website that have not only my story, but Dan’s for he received the same treatments five years ago for he was diagnosed also with cancer.  Both of us have managed our cancer and are cancer free.

Also, the website has the different types of treatments that do not have side effects along with our life style change to prevent cancer.  Free knowledge.

Welcome November.


Saturday, October 6, 2018

This month of October was labeled for Breast Cancer Awareness


This month of October was labeled for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  There are walks and items for sale that have pink ribbons on them, all to raise money for a cure for breast cancer.  I was labeled a breast cancer patient in 2010.  For me it was not finding a cure, but how did it happen in the first place and how can I take care of it so it doesn’t happen again.  DNA is only 5% to 10%!

 For almost eight years, I have been researching and learning how to take care of the root cause of why and changing my patterns so I can keep healthy from all the major diseases that we have labeled ourselves with.  First, I decided not to have surgery.  What would that accomplish, just a part removed from my body.  The masses were not blocking anything and I was functioning alright.  Second, I did not have chemotherapy.  Why would I put another chemical in my body for this may have been the one reason why this even happened?  Third, I did not have radiation.  Again, why would I put radiation in my body, when we read all the time radiation causes cancer.

For, me I decided to do less invasive procedures to take care of the cancer and to begin healing.

 I learned the why and cause (the root) and no chemo pill will do that.  We need to look at the whole picture and take a look at our lifestyle and the environment.  There are so much that we can do to stay away from the chemicals in our foods, products we wear and managing stress and keeping healthy by moving around more.  Yes, because our food these days with the lack of good soil, I take supplements and nutrition products to give me what my body needs.

So, with a chemo pill you are putting chemicals in you at the same time it is killing not just the bad cells, but the good ones. Plus, it is causing other side effects.  Radiation, causes side effects.

I for the past seven- and one-half years, when this time rolls around for walks and labeling for Breast Cancer Month, I try to educate others. That it’s our environment and our lifestyle that we need to put our money into, this is the root.  The best cure is really changing your lifestyle.