We relocated nine months ago in Virginia and looking forward to share our next phase of managing cancer while enjoying life. However, I have created a website that also has a blog, which I will be doing a daily journal with our experiences in our new environment. Please join me there and continue to support my writings. Go to https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/blog-1 Until tomorrow, take it slow and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Every October I look
forward to Dan’s birthday and Halloween.
This month is also my father’s birthday and each October 22nd
I honor him for he passed on at the age of 42 of cancer. It also is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness
Month, which has so much meaning to me for I was diagnosed with breast cancer 7
in a half years ago.
Every where I look
and even on TV, I am reminded of this for it is being posted all over the
place. I am angry over the fact that
there is not a lot of education being done on prevention and ways of treatment
that does not cause side effects. The
treatments that are given that are FDA approved are the same types of causes
that started the cause. We are not going
to the root of the problem.
I almost eight years
ago searched along with Dan for other methods of treatments, which found us in
Mexico. Looking back, I am very humble
that I had the resources and found the proper doctors that educated me on how
to find the root (the cause). I had
treatment other than surgery, chemo or radiation. I was taught how to change my lifestyle by
working around the environment that is destroying our bodies.
So, with the
knowledge I have gained I try to spread so others may have the opportunity that
is facing cancer or any other autoimmune diseases. It’s much more than having treatment, it’s a lifestyle
I wish, that someday
Breast Cancer Awareness Month will raise money for the race of knowledge and
education on the root and how not to get this disease.
Now, its November the
month of Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for, starting with two
doctors that remind me every day that through their education I am still here
today. Thank you, Dr. Perez and Dr Garcia, for giving me not only the
treatment, but the knowledge. Vera Lopez
for the blessings and the procedure of hyperthermia.
I also thank Dan and
Danielle for believing in my choices and standing by me.
I can not stress how
important it is for one to research before making a decision that may be a life
threating choice. Its your body, so its
up to you to make the right decision for you.
I have a website that have not only my story, but Dan’s for he received the
same treatments five years ago for he was diagnosed also with cancer. Both of us have managed our cancer and are
cancer free.
Also, the website has
the different types of treatments that do not have side effects along with our
life style change to prevent cancer.
Free knowledge.
Welcome November.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
This month of October was labeled for Breast Cancer Awareness
This month of October was labeled for
Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are
walks and items for sale that have pink ribbons on them, all to raise money for
a cure for breast cancer. I was labeled
a breast cancer patient in 2010. For me
it was not finding a cure, but how did it happen in the first place and how can
I take care of it so it doesn’t happen again.
DNA is only 5% to 10%!
For almost eight years, I have been
researching and learning how to take care of the root cause of why and changing
my patterns so I can keep healthy from all the major diseases that we have
labeled ourselves with. First, I decided
not to have surgery. What would that
accomplish, just a part removed from my body.
The masses were not blocking anything and I was functioning
alright. Second, I did not have
chemotherapy. Why would I put another
chemical in my body for this may have been the one reason why this even happened? Third, I did not have radiation. Again, why would I put radiation in my body,
when we read all the time radiation causes cancer.
For, me I decided to do less invasive
procedures to take care of the cancer and to begin healing. https://www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com/true-story
I learned the why and cause (the root) and no
chemo pill will do that. We need to look
at the whole picture and take a look at our lifestyle and the environment. There are so much that we can do to stay away
from the chemicals in our foods, products we wear and managing stress and
keeping healthy by moving around more.
Yes, because our food these days with the lack of good soil, I take
supplements and nutrition products to give me what my body needs.
So, with a chemo pill you are putting
chemicals in you at the same time it is killing not just the bad cells, but the
good ones. Plus, it is causing other side effects. Radiation, causes side effects.
I for the past seven- and one-half
years, when this time rolls around for walks and labeling for Breast Cancer
Month, I try to educate others. That it’s our environment and our lifestyle
that we need to put our money into, this is the root. The best cure is really changing your
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Monday, July 2, 2018
Drink To Your Health
Drink To Your Health: https://t.co/nbSVrQpsNv https://t.co/MCnEC2yGJ8 FOR MORE INFORMATION http://www.myrainlife.com/thejourneytogoodhealth
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Today I would like to
talk about a subject that is always thrown under the bus, literally
speaking. Every chronic disease, by all
scientific research starts with the gut.
What we fuel our bodies depends on how we feel and act. The number one question is. Do we all get enough nutrition to keep our
bodies healthy? Per the USDA (The United
States Dept of Agriculture) states that everyone should get between 8 to 10
bowls of fruit and vegetables each day.
are living the fast life and are on the go.
We all have done it,
fast foods. What nutrition is in a
MacDonald happy meal or even a super-size meal? What about Domino’s or Taco
Bell. I can go on, but I will stop at
I have been a health
nut for seven years, since I found out that December day that I was struck with
cancer. Not knowing what may have caused
it, I decided to research and make it my calling to do alternative treatments
and learned that it is also a lifestyle change.
We have to realize,
that our bodies not just need fuel to keep our cells healthy, but we also need
a clear mind and keep our bones functioning (meditation and exercise). It’s all
about prevention.
Doctors, no fault of
themselves are not trained in the most important part of keeping healthy and
that is nutrition. So, I have been taking
this infused seed supplement that is all natural, cold pressed and easy to take
during the day. IT IS SOUL AND CORE. One is an immune booster and the other is to
detox you.
For more information
go to http://www.myrainlife.com/thejourneytogoodhealth
Also, next time you
stop before or after you go to work or even before you take your child to
baseball, football, cheerleader practice and etc. Then perhaps even eat at a
fast food restaurant, remember this is what fuels a sick body.
DRINK, its that easy and can save you the costs of your visits to the doctor.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Happy Earth Day from Seeds for Change
Its Earth Day and also a day to think about seed nutrition. Rain International thinks about your health and continues to provide products to build your immune system as well as detox your liver. Check out for more information http://www.myrainlife.com/thejourneytogoodhealth
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
As we plan our next adventure, Dan and I have experienced something that many do not. We have been living in Mexico for the past five years and have enjoyed the culture, people and the environment. We arrived not knowing what to expect, but not fearing the final curtain. We were treated for cancer WITHOUT surgery, chemo and radiation and Dan with his heart issues and coming out at the end with flying colors. Our healing process will always continue by our life style.
As some of you know Dan and I became grandparents this year. The journey of a new era has arisen and we feel that this is the perfect time to head on back to be closer to our daughter and her family. The decision on where to move was a hard one for I grew up in Florida and our daughter lives in New York. So, Dan did some research and Virginia was not that far from New York and we can take the Amtrak reasonably priced and an air fare to Florida also reasonably priced. The area that we are researching, the cost of living is not much more than what we are spending here in Mexico considering the cost of import fees that we are paying for our supplements to arrive here. Also, there is an organic market around the area that we are interested in.
So, much has been happening this year and it just began. Looking forward to next year and the next steps to our new journey.
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