Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Homemade Natural Deodorant: Recipes That Work




Aluminum-Free Deodorant That Doesn't Stink

Aside from finding a natural hair care regimen, searching for a chemical-free, aluminum-free deodorant that actually works has been one of the hardest parts of going green and clearing the toxic products from my bathroom cupboards.

Not that I personally mind being called a hippie, but the choice between stinky pits and the risks that come with rolling toxins onto our skin daily was becoming a major dilemma in our household. My husband works hard all day and would douse himself with those awful aerosol cans filled with toxic manly named perfumes if I'd let him. My teenage daughter agreed to toss her favorite scented stick, but not without a struggle and quite a bit of regret.

Luckily, I finally found a natural deodorant that actually works!

Yep, I finally found an aluminum-free deodorant that actually works and the whole family loves! The best part is that it's as budget-friendly as it is healthy. (If you've ever ventured into the personal care aisle of a health food store, you probably know how expensive it can be to go green.)

Learn how to make your own homemade deodorant right here! The recipe is easy to make and only requires three simple ingredients, so you're only minutes away from having your own batch of pit putty that can be personalized with your favorite scented essential oils.

Homemade Deodorant Recipe

Aluminum-free deodorant that actually works!

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